Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/869

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. II . Clas . 653-655 . 1930 . Report, hearin gs, etc . Proviso . Cons cript ion of la bor excluded . Composition. Meeting in District of Columbia. Office space, etc. Chairman, etc ., to be elected . Post, p . 1557. No compensation . Travel, etc ., ex pen se s allowed. a study of policies to be pursued in event of war . The commission shall report definite recommendations to the President of the United States to be by him transmitted to the Congress not later than the firs t Mo nday in Dece mber , 19 31, toge ther wit h co pies of its proc eed- ings and hearings and to report if, in their opinion, any constitu- tional amend ment be neces sary to accom plish the purp oses desired Provided, That said commission shall not consider and shall not report upon the conscription of labor . SEC . 2 . That said commission shall be composed of four Members of the House of Representatives, to be a pointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and four Members of the Senate, to be appointed by the President of the Senate, the Secretary of War, Secretary of the Navy, Secretary of Agriculture, Secretary of Com- merce, Secre tary of Labor , and the Att orney General . SEC . 3 . The said members to be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate shall meet as soon as possible after the enactment of this resolution in the city of Washington, District of Columbia . The Secretary of War shall supply from the War Department all necessary office and clerical assistance . SEC . 4. When said commission shall meet it shall organize by electing one of its number as chairman, and another as vice chair- man, and shall appoint a secretary . SEC . 5 . That no compensation shall be paid any member of said commission, and no expenses shall be incurred by them except the actual expenses of sustenance and travel for the members of the com- mission, and printing and clerical assistance that can not be reason- ably provi ded by the War De partme nt . Approved, June 27, 1930 . June 27 930.

CHAP . 6 54 .-Joint Resolutio n For the payment of certain employees o f the [S.J. Res.24.]

United States Government in the District of Columbia and employees of the [Pub . Res., No . 99.1 District of Columbia for March 4, 1929 . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Inauguration Day, United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the employees 1929. Certa in e mploy ees of Of the United States Government in the District of Columbia and Federal Columbia and G Dis tr ove of the employees of the District of Columbia who come within the pro- Colmbia

er n- ments excused on, en- visions of the Act approved June 18, 1888, and who, under the pro- titled to pay . Vol.25,p. 185 .

visions of said Act, were excused from work on Monday, March 4, 1929, a holiday, shall be entitled to pay for said holiday . Approved, June 27, 1930 . June 27, 1930. [S.J. Res.140.] [Pub. Res., No . 100.1 United States Naval Academy. Tablet erected at, to commemorate officers, etc., who lost their lives in Submarine S-4, De- cember 17, 1027. Sum authorized . Post, p. 1576. CHAP . 655 .-Joint Resolution To provide for the erection of a memorial tablet at the United States Naval Academy to commemorate the officers and men lost in the United States submarine S-4 . Resolved by the Senate and House o f Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Navy is authorized and directed to provide for the placing of a memorial tablet in Memorial Hall at the United States Naval Academy in commemoration of the officers and men who lost their lives in the United States submarine S-4 on December 17, 1927 . SEC. 2. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated the sum of $400, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to carry out the provisions of this Act . Approved, June 27, 1930 .