Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/88

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. I. CHs .41,43. 1929 . subject matter, and any such court shall in any such suit have juris- Persons having inter- diction to hear and determine all matters and things submitted to it est fn the lands, made in pursuance of the provisions of this Act, and in any such suit parties,

brought by the Attorney General hereunder any persons having an interest in or lien upon any lands included in the lands claimed by the United States, or by said companies, or any interest in the pro- ceeds or avails thereof may be made parties . On filing the com- plaint in such cause, writs of subpoena may be issued by the court against any parties defendant, which writs shall run into any dis- tricts and shall b e served, a s any other like proce ss, by the r espectivs marshals of such districts . The judgment, or judgments, which may be rendered in said district court shall be subject to review on appeal Review by Supreme by the United States circuit court of appeals for the circuit which court.

includes the district in which the suit is brought, and the judgment, or judgments, of such United States circuit court of appeals shall Expedition of hear- be reviewable by the Supreme Court of the United States, as in other ing s.

cases . Any case begun in accordance with this Act shall be expedited in every way, and be assigned for bearing at the earliest practicable Authority for appro- day in any court in w priate legislation and

hich it may be pending . Co ngre ss shal l be appropriations . given a reasonable time, which shall be fixed by the court, within which it may enact such legislation and apppropriate such sums of money as may be necessary to meet the requirements of any final judgment resulting by reason of the litigation herein provided for . SEC . 8 . It shall be the duty of the Attorney General to report to the Congress of the United States any final determinations rendered in such suit or proceedings, and the Attorney General, the Secretary of the Interior, and the Secretary of Agriculture shall thereafter submit to Congress recommendations for the enactment of such legis- lation, if any, as may be deemed by them to be desirable in the interests of the United States in connection with the execution of said decree or otherwise . SEC . 9. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby directed to withhold his approval of the adjustment of the Northern Pacific land grants under the Act of July 2, 1864, and the joint resolution of May 31, 1870, and other Acts relating thereto ; and he is also hereby directed to withhold the issuance of any further patents and muni- ments of title under said Act and the said resolution, or any legisla- tive enactments supplemental thereto, or connected therewith, until the suit or suits contemplated by this Act shall have been finally de- termined : Provided, That this Act shall not prevent the adjudica- tion of any claims arising under the public land laws where the claimants are not seeking title through the grants to the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, or its successors, or any Acts in modifi- cation thereof or supplemental thereto . Approved, June 25, 1929 . Service of writs . Appeals . Final determinations to be reported to Con- gress with recommen- dat ion s of desirable legislation . Approval of adjust- ments of Northern Pa- cific land grants to be withheld . No further patents to be issued until suits be finally determined . Proviso . Other land claimsnot affected . October 17, 1929. (H.J. Res. 80.1 [Pub. Res., No. 20.1 French Republic. Agreement author- ized to postpone pay- ing indebtedness of, for surplus war supplies . Post, p . 48. CHAP . 43 .-Joint Resolution Authorizing the postponement of the date of maturity of the principal of the indebtedness of the Fre nch Republic to the United States in respect of the purchase of surplus war supplies . Resol ved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, T h at in t he e ve n t t hat the a greement b etween th e French R epublic an d the Uni ted States (known as the Mellon-Berenger agreement) made on behalf o f the Uni ted States by the W orld War F oreign Deb t Commiss ion an d approved by the President, providing for the funding and pay- m ent of th e indebted ness of t he French Republic t o the Uni ted States is ratified in France in accordance with the terms thereof, prior to August 1, 1929, the Secretary of the Treasury, with the