Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/910

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS. SEss. II. CH. 846. 1930 . and pho tographing u nidentified b odies, for th e fiscal year s follow For 1929, $2,100 ; For 1930, $2,300 . Contingent and miscellaneous expenses : For expenses authorized by law in connectio n with the re moval of dang erous or unsa fe and insanitary buildings, fiscal years 1930 and 1931, $1,500 . For judicial expenses, including procurement of chains of title, the printing of briefs in the - Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia, witness fees, and expert serv ices in District cases before the Supreme Court of said District, fiscal year 1930, $3,800 . For general advertising, as authorized and required by law, and for tax an d school notices and notices of changes in regulations for the fiscal years that follow For 1929, $1,053 .87 ; For 1928, $230 .80 ; For 1927, $3 .80 . PUBLIC SCHOOLS School building and playground sites : Not exceeding $116,500 of the unexpended balances of appropriations for school buildings and playground sites contained in the District of Columbia Appropria- tion Acts for the fiscal year 1929 and the fiscal year 1930 is continued available until June 30, 1931 . METROPOLITAN POLI CE that 867 For 1929 . For 1930 . Contingent, etc ., ex. pens es. Vol. 45, p, 1285. Judicial expenses . Advertising . Vol. 30, p. 250. Public schools . Building and play . ground sites . Unexpended balances available. Vol.45,p.645 . Metropolitan police . For the construction of a radio broadcasting station for the Radio broadcasting prevention and detection of crimes, inc luding purchase and installa- station . tion of radio rece iving apparat us necessary for equippin g police m Equipment on auto . automobiles, maintenance and servicing charges, and installation of receiving sets at such points outside o f the District of Columbia as may be approved by the commissioners of said District, fiscal years 1930 and 1931, $18,500 . HEALTH DE PAR TME NT Abatement of nuisances, and so forth : For enforcement of the provisions of an Act to provide for the drainage of lots in the District of Columbia, approved May 19,1896 (29 Stat . p . 125-126), and an Act to provide for the abatement of nuisances in the District of Columbia by th e commissione rs, and for o ther purpose s, approved A pril 14, 1906, fiscal years 1930 and 1931, $2,500 . COURTS AND PR IS ONS Support of convicts : Fo r s upp ort, ma inte nan ce, and tr ans port ati on of convicts tran sferred from District of C olumbia, and so forth, includ ing the same objects specifie d under this head in the Dist rict of Columbia Appropriation Acts for the fiscal years that follow For 1928, $49 .20 ; For 1929, $40,563 .47 . Writs of lunacy : For expenses attending the execution of writs de lunatico inquirendo and commitments thereunder in all cases of indige nt insane persons committed o r sought to be committed to S aint Elizabeths Hospital by order of the executive authority of the District of Columbia under the provisions of existing law, and expenses of commitments to the District Training School, including personal services, for the following fiscal years He alth Dep artm ent . Abat ing nuisance s . Vol. 29, p. 125. Vol. 34, p. 114. Cou rts and pri sons . Support of convicts . For 1928. For 1929 . Lunacy writs .