Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/920

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II. Cia. 846. 1930.

877 until June 30, 1931 : Provided, That such school shall be open for Proviso. attendance by white children and by restricted or nonrestricted Tuition fund . Indian children resident within said reservation if and when the State tuition fund and the county tuition fund, which would other- wise be paid to school districts in said reservation, if functioning, shall be paid to the United States to be used to supplement Govern- ment appropriations for the maintenance and operation of said con- solidated school and for the payment of tuition of any white and Indian children, restricted or unrestricted, residing within said res- ervation, in any high school approved by the Superintendent of the Turtle Mountain Agency . Conservation of health among Indians : For an addi tio nal amo unt Conservation of health. for the construction and equipment, including quarters for personnel Construction, etc ., of of the San Xavier Sanatorium, Arizona ; Pip estone Hosp ital, Minne - hospitals, etc . sota ; Omaha and Winnebago Hospital, Nebraska ; Walker River Post, p. 1136. Hospital, Nevada ; Seger Hospital, Oklahoma ; and Tomah Hospital, Wisconsin, fiscal year 1931, $250,000 . For an additi onal amoun t for a c entral hea ting plant at the g eco ma, a sh. Tacom a hosp ital, Wash ington , fis cal y ear 19 31, $ 38,000 . Kiowa Indian Hospital, Oklahoma : The appropriation of $91,000 olglaowa Hospital, contained in the second deficiency appropriation Act, fiscal year Unexpended balance 1929, for construction and other purposes at the Kiowa Indian Hos- available. pital, Oklahoma, is hereby continued available until June 30, 1931 . Vol. 45, p . 1641. Expenses of tribal council, Tongue River I ndians, Montana : The dians Mon River In- unexpended balance of the appropriation contained in the Interior Ex pen ses of trib al Department appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1929 for expenses council . of the tribal council of the Tongue River Indians, Montana, and of delegates of the council to the city of Washington on tribal business is hereby made available for the same purposes until June 30, 1931 . Bureau of Pensions . Tempor ary employ- ee ls. Salaries : For an additional amount for temporary employees in the District of Columbia, fiscal year 1931, $100,000 . Salaries and expenses, Employees' Retireme nt Act : F or an a dd i- tional amount for salaries and expenses, including the same objects specified under this head in the Interior Department Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1931, and including not to exceed $15,000 for temporary employees, fiscal year 1931, $28,000 . BUREAU OF RECLAMATION

Reclamation Bureau . Boulder Canyon project : For the commencement of construction p roe t ulder .

Canyon of a dam and incidental works in the main stream of the Colorado Construction . River at Black Canyon, to create a storage reservoir, and of a com- p lete plant and i ncide ntal struct ures suitab le fo r the fulle st ec o- nomic development of electrical energy from the water discharged from such reservoir ; to acquire by proceedings in eminent domain, etc equisition of lands, or otherwise, all lands, rights of way and other property necessary for such purposes ; and for incidental operations ; as authorized by t he Bo ulder Cany on Pr oject Act, appr oved Decem ber 2 1, 19 28 ul. 45, p.10 7 . Iv, (U. S . C., Supp . III, title 33, ch . 15A) ; $10,660,000 to remain avail- p .478. able until advanced to the Colorado River Dam fund, which amount shall be available for personal services in the District of Columbia and for all other objects of expenditure that are specified for projects included under the caption " Bureau of Reclamation " in the Interior Department Appropriation Acts for the fi scal years 1930 and 1931, without regard to the limitations of amounts therein set forth : Pro- nvesi~gationsand r vided . That of the amount hereby appropriated, not to exceed ports .ports . 45 p. 1065 . $1 00,000 shall be availab le for inve stigation a nd reports as authoriz ed u. . b., Supp. IV, by section 15 of the Boulder Canyon Project Act .

P .591 . BUREAU OF PENSIONS Employees Retire- ment Act . Salaries and ex pens es . Ante, p . 305. Post, p. 1556.