Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/941

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SESS. II . Cn. 846 . 1930 . Jersey, a piece or parcel of land in such city, contiguous to the east line of the present post-office site as transferred under the Second Deficiency Act, 1929, fronting twenty-five feet along the north line of Newark Street, and extending at that width in a northerly direc- tion one hundred and seventy-five feet ; al so a p ie ce or p ar ce l of land twenty-five feet wide on the northerly side of such post-office site and contiguous thereto, as extended herein, running westerly along the south side of First Street extended, two hundred and twenty-five feet, more or less, to the easterly side of River Street . Houston,Tex .

Houston (Texas) post office and courthouse : For extension and remodeling of building, under an estimated total cost of $615,000 . Huntsville, Tex .

Huntsville (Texas) post office, and so forth : For construction of a building, under an estimated total cost of $75,000 . Inspection stations .

In specti on st ation s : The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby s ale of.

authorized, in his discretion, to sell, upon such terms and conditions as he may deem to be to the best interests of the United States, Houlton, Fort Fair- any or all of the present inspection-station sites at Houlton and field Me . Alburg, Highgate Fort Fairfield, Maine, and Alburg, Highgate Springs, and Richford, Springs, Richford, Vt . Vermont, and to convey the same to the purchaser or purchasers by the usual quitclaim deed or deeds ; the proceeds of such sales of said inspection stations shall be deposited in and reimburse the appro priati ons h ereto fore m ade f or su ch ori ginal inspe ction -stat ion Ac quisition of new sites and buildings . And the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby at .' authorized, in his discretion, to acquire by purchase, condemnation, or otherwise, new sites, and to construct thereon a building or buil din gs f or the acc ommo dat ion of bord er-i nsp ecti on stat ions a t Houlton and Fort Fairfield, Maine, and Alburg, Highgate Springs, a nd Richfo rd, Vermon t ; the limit of c ost for suc h projects to remain t he sa me as origi nally auth orized for each r espec tive projec t . Jackson, Mich . Jackson (Michigan) post office, and so forth : For acquisition of site and construction of a building, under an estimated total cost of $515,000 . Jackson, Ohio .

Jackson (Ohio) post office, and so forth : For construction of a building, under an estimated total cost of $100,000 . Jamaica, N . Y. Jamaica (New York) post office, and so forth : For ac qui si tio n o f site and construction of a building, under an estimated total cost of $875,000 . Jefferson City, Mo . Jefferson City (Missouri) post office, courthouse, and so forth : Fo r acquisition of site and construction of a building, under an estimated total cost of $450,000 . Jersey City, N. J. Jersey City (New Jersey) post office : For acquisition of additional land, extension and remodeling of building, under an estimated total cost of $455,000 . Joliet, Iii . Joliet (Illinois) post office, and so forth : For acquisition of addi- tional land, extension and remodeling of building, under an estimated to tal cost of $185,000 . Key West, Fla . Key West (Florida) marine hospital : For construction of a new building and relocation and rehabilitation of present building, under an estimated total cost of $25,000 . Key West, Fla .

Key West (Florida) post office, courthouse, customhouse, and so forth : For construction of a building, under an estimated total cost Kissimmee, Fla .

of $525,000 . Kissimmee (Florida) post office, and so forth : For construction of a building, under an estimated total cost of $80,000 . Kfttanning, Pa.

Kittanning (Pennsylvania) post office, and so forth : For acquisi- tion of additional la nd and construction of a building, under an Knoxville, Tonem

estimated total cost of $145,000 . Post, p.1595. Knoxville (Tennessee) post office and courthouse : For acquisition of additional land, demolition of building and construction of a new building, under an estimated total cost of $1,575,000 .