Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/990

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947 thority granted by this Act shall terminate if the actual construction Time for con str ue- of the dam and dike hereby authorized is not commenced within one tion . year and completed within three years from the date of the passage of this Act. The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved .

Larson Slough, Coos That the consent of Congress is granted to the State of Oregon, Bay . acting through its highway department, and to the Larson Slough Drainage District, organized under the laws of the State of Oregon, to construct, maintain, and operate, at a point suitable to the inter- ests of navigation, a dam and dike for preventing the flow of tidal waters into Larson Slough, Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon . Work Approval of plans shall not be commenced on such dam and dike until the plans there- for, required . for, including plans for all accessory works, are submitted to and approved by the Chief of Engineers and the Secretary of War, who may impose such conditions and stipulations as they deem necessary to protect the interests of the United States. The authority granted Time limitation. by this Act shall terminate if the actual construction of the dam and dike hereby authorized is not commenced within one year and com- pleted within three years from the date of the passage of this Act . The right to a lter, amend, or repeal thi s Act is hereb y expressly rese rved . That the consent o f Congress is granted to th e State of Or egon, qw le River Slough, Co. acting through its highway department : to the Coeledo Drainage District, orga nized under t he laws of th e State of Ore gon, and to the Beaver Slough Drainage District, organized under the laws of the State of Oregon, to construct, maintain, and operate, at a point suitable to the interests of navigation, a dam and dike for preventing the flow of ti dal waters in to Beaver Slo ugh, Coquille River, Coos Approval of plans County, Oregon . Work shall not be commenced on such dam and for, required . dike until the plans therefor, including plans for all accessory works, are submitted to and approved by the Chief of Engineers and the Secretary of W ar, who may i mpose such co nditions and s tipulations as they deem necessary to protect the interests of the United States . The authority granted by this Act shall terminate if the actual con- Time limitation . struction of the dam and dike hereby authorized is not commenced within one yea r and complet ed within thr ee years from the date of the passage of this Act . The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved .

Haynes Slough, Coos That the consent o f Congress is granted to th e State of Or egon, B ay, ° acting through its highway department, and to the Haynes Slough Drainage District, organized under the laws of the State of Oregon, to construct, maintain, and operate, at a point suitable to the interests of navigation, a dam and dike for preventing the flow of tidal waters into Haynes Slough, Coos Bay, Coos County, Oregon . Work shall r equired . al of plans not be commenced on such dam and dike until the plans therefor, includ ing pl ans fo r all acces sory w orks, are s ubmitt ed to and approved by the Secretary of War and the Chief of Engineers, who may impose such conditions and stipulations as they deem necessary Time limi tatio n . to protect the interests of the United States . The authority granted by this Act shall terminate if the actual construction of the dam and dike hereby authorized is not commenced within one year and completed within three years from the date of the passage of this Act . The ri ght to alter, amend, or rep eal thi s Act is here by expr essly rese rved . SEC. 6 . That hereafter direct allotments from appropriations for New York Ha rbor, maintenance and improvement of existing river and harbor works Direc t all otme nts f or or other available appropriation may be made by the Secretary of thorizd . of drift, au- War for the collection and removal of drift in New York Harbor