Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1003

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June 28, 1929. 2611 tions, avec l'Office reexpediteur, Ie montant Apercevoir est indique par l'Office dlStributeur. S. -L'Office distributeur frappe l'envoi de la taxe a percevoir. 4. - Tout envoi ne portant pas Ie timbre T est considere comme d'Oment aifranchi et traite en conseqtIence, sauf erreur evidente. 5. --I l n'est pas tenu compte des timbres-poste non valables pour l'affranchissement. Dans ce cas, Ie chiffre zero (0) est place A c6te de ces timbres-poste, qui doivem tire encadres au crayon. ARTICLE 44. Renvoi des bulletins d' ajJranchisse- ment. Recuperation des droits avances. 1. -Apres let livraison d'un envoi JTanc de droits au destina- taire, 1e bureau qui a jait l'avance des jrau de do'Uane ou awres pour le compte de l'expediteur complete, en ce ([Ui le concerrie, les indica- tions qui fiffUrent au verso du bulletin d'aJJranchusement et trans- met ce dernur, accompafJ'TIJ des pieces justijicatives, S0'U8 enveloppe fermee, sans indication du contenu, au bureau d'origine de l'envoi. To'Ute(ois, c/uurue Administra- tion a 1e droit d,e jaire ejJectuer, par des bureaux specialement ilesignes, le renvoi des bulletins d'affranchusement greves de frau et de demander que les bulletins soient t-: -:::;-"smu a un bureau determine. Dans ce dernur cas, le nom du bureau auquel les bulletins doivent etre renvoyes est inscrit par le bureau eXIJediteur d.e l'envoi au recto du bulletin d' ajJrallchusement. S. - Lors(}u'un envoi fJ.ui porte l'ttiquette ,tFranc de droits" par- vient au service destinataire sans bulletin d'ajJranchusement, le bu- reau charge du dedouanement tta- blit un duplicata du bulletin; le nom du pays d'origine est substi- tue d celui de l'Office dont il releve et la date du depM de l'envoi . est, amant que possible, mention- tions with tL.~ reforwarding Ad- ministration, the amount to be collected is indicated by the de- livering Administration. 3. The delivering Administra- Amount due to be tion indicates on the article the stated. amount of the postage to be collected. 4. Every article not bearing the pa~:'rPtion or pre- T -stamp is considered as duly pre- paid and treated accordingly, 8ave in case of evident error. 5. ~ccountisnotlitdakfenofpost- sta~~hout valid age stamps not va or prepay- ment. In such a case, the figure zero (0) is placed beside such stamps, which shall be inclosed in pencil. ARTICLE 44 Return oj prepayment bulletins. Recovery oj charge8 advanced 1. After the delivery of an ar- Roooveryofcustoms, . Iff h h etc., advances. ticeree0 cargestotead- dressee, the office which has made the advance of the customs or other charges on behalf of the sender completes, in re~ard to it- self, the indications which appear on the back of the prep a 1ment Return <?r prepay- • • ment bulletms. bulletin, and transnuts the atter, accompanied by the supporting papers, in a sealed envelope, with- out indication of the contents, to the office of origin of the article. However, each Administration Further instructions. has the right to have the return of the prepayment bulletins bearing charges effected by offices spe- cially designated, and to request that the bulletins be sent to a. cer - tain office. In the latter case, the name of the office to which the bulletins are to be returned is entered by the dispatching office of the article on the front of the prepayment bulletin. 2. When an article bearing the su~s~ft!!:rf r!ulI1: label "Franc de droits" (free of original. charges) reaches the office of desti- nation without any prepayment bulletin, the office charged with the customs ('learance makes up a duplicate bulletin; the name of the country of origin is substi- tuted for that of the Administra- tion to which it belongs, and the