Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1033

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June 28, 1929. 2641 respondances exemptes de tous fr8lS de transit en conformite des dispositions de l'article 75 de la Convention, Ie montant total du com~te des dep~ches closes est redUlt de dix pour cent. 4-.- Les comptes particuliers sont dress~s en double expedition sur la base des releves 0 17, 0 19 et 021 et sur des formules 018, o 20 et 0 22. Ils sont transmis a l'Office expediteur aussitot que possible et, au plus tard, dans un delai de 10 molS suivant l'expira- tion de la periode de statistique. 5. Si l'Office qui a envoye Ie compte particulier nla re~u aucune observation rectificative dans un intervalle de 4- mois a compter de I'envoi, ce compte est considere comme admis de plein droit. ARTICLE 71. of correspondence exempt from all transit char~es in accordance with the provisIons of Article 75 of the Convention, the total amount of the account for closed mails is reduced by ten percent. 4. The individual accounts are made up in duplicate, on the basis of the statements C 17, C19andC21,onFormsC18, C20andC22. Theyaresent to the dispatching Administra- tion as soon as possible, and, at the latest, within a pl3riod of 10 months following the expiration of the statistical :period. 5. If the Administration which has sent the individual account has not received any corrective observation within an interval of four months, counting from the date of sending, that account is considered as duly accepted. ARTICLE 71 "'tIU. p. 25M . Poll. pp. 2685-26110. Decompte general annuel. Inter- General Annual Account. Inter- vention du Bureau international. vention oj the International Bu- reau l.- 8auf entente contraire entre les Administrations interessees, Ie decompte general comprenant les frais de transit et d'entrepot est etabli annuellement par Ie Bureau international. 2. - AussiMt que les comptes particuliers entre deux Adminis- trations sont approuves ou con- sideres comme admis de plein droit (§ 5 de l'article precedent), chacune de ces Admmistrations transmet, sans retard, au Bureau international, un releve (mod~le 0 29 ci-annexe) indiquant les mon- tants totaux de ces comptes. Lors de la reception d'un releve de 1& ~art d 'une Administration, Ie Bureau international en avertit l'autre Administration interessee. Dans le soUle, il est fait aban- don des centimes. En cas de differences entre les indications correspond antes four- nies par deux Administrations, Ie Bureau international les invite a se mettre d'accord et a lui indiquer les sommes definitive- ment arr~tees. 1. Baning contrary MTeement General annual B0- b hA ~.. · count. etween t e oIDJDJstrations con- cerned, the general account com- prising the transit and ware- housing charges is made up annu- ally btthe International Bureau. 2 th . d"d I Transmission by In . soon as e m IV! ua temational Bureau ~ accounts between two Ac1rninis- Administrations. trations are approved or con- sidered as duIy accepted (Sec- tion 5 of the preceding Article), each one of those Ac1rnjnistrations transmits, without delay, to the International Bureau, an account (Form C 23 hereto appended) Poll. p. 2691. indicating the total amounts of those accounts. Upon recei,Pt of an account from one AdminIstra- tion, the International Bureau so advises the other Administration concerned. Centimes are ignored in the balances. In case of differences between Settlement of dUJer- the corresponding items furnished ences. bv two Administrations, the In- ternational Bureau invites ther. to come to an agreement and to communicate to it the sums definitely arrived at.