Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1047

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UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June 28,1929. 2655 n est fait mention de ce report dans les recapitulations et dans les liquidations :pour les Offices crediteurs et dtSblteurs. L'Office dtSbiteur fait parvenir, Ie cas echtSant, a l'Office crediteur, une reconnaissance de la somme due, pour ~tre portee au prochain tableau. ART!CLE 90. Communications A wesser au Bureau international. I.-Les Administrations doi- vent se communiquer notamment par l'intermediaire du Bureau mtemational : a) l'indication des surtaxes qu'elles per90ivent pour frais de transport extr8.0rdinaire en vertu des articles 36 et 76 de la Con- vention, ainsi que la nomencla- ture des pays auxquels s'apJ>li- quent ces surtaxes, et s'il y a lieu, la designation des services qui en motivent la perception; b) la collection en trois exem- plaires de leurs timbres-poste et des impressions-types de leurs machines Aaffranchlr, avec indica- tion de la date a partir de laquelle les timbres-poste des emissions anterieures cesseraient d'a v 0 i r cours; c) leur decision au sujet de la faculte d'appliquer ou non cer- taines dispositions generales de la Convention et du R~lement; d) les taxes moderees qu'elIas ont adoptees, en vertu de l'article 5 de la Convention, et l'indication des relations auxquelles cas taxes sont applicables; e) tous les renseignement8 1diles concernant les prescriptions doua- nwes ou amre8, ainsi q:ue le8 inter- dictions ou restrictions reglant l'im- portation et le transit de8 envois postaux dans leurs services res- pectifs; j) la liste des distaMes IcUo- metMq:ues pour le8 parcour8 terri- toriaux suivis par les deptches en transit; g) la liste des lignes de paque- hots en partance de leurs ports et 57894 0 -, '31-PT 2---65 tional Bureau, Mention is made of this carrying over in the reca. - pitulations and in the settlement accounts for the creditor and debtor Administrations. The debtor Administration, in such & case, sends the creditor Adminis- tration an acknowledgment of the sum due, to be caITied over to the next table. ARTICLE 90 Oommunications to be addressed Communications to the International Bureau through Bureau. 1. Administrations shall com- municate to one another, thru the intermediary of the Inter- national Bureau, in particular: (a) An indication of the sur- - Particulars. charges which they collect for extraordinary transIt charges by virtue of Articles 36 and 76 of the Ante, pp. 2606, 2648 . Convention, as well as a list of the countries to which those sur- charges apply, and, if necessary, a designation of the services which give rise to their collection; (b) A triplicate collection of their postage stamps and speci- men impressions of their stamp- ing machines, with indication of the date from which the post~e stamps of previous issues will cease to be valid; (c) Their decision in regard to the option of applying or not ap- plying certain general provisions of the Convention and Regula- tions·1 • (d) The reduced rates which Ante, p. 2529. they have adopted by virtue of Article 5 of the Convention, and an indication of the relations to which such rates are _applicable; (e) All necessary information concerning their customs or other regulations, as well as the prohi- bitions or restrictions concerning the importation and transit of mail. articles in their respective servIces; (f) A list of distances in kilo- meters for the land routes fol- lowed by dispatches in transit; (g) A list of all steamship lines whose ships leave their ports