Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1098

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2706 UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. Juna 28,1929. ror~~es to be unl- 4. - 1. .68 8Uf'tau8 n~ntionmes auz § § 1, S tit 3 d'//, pruem articU P08t, p. 2711. Extraordinary serv- Ices. P08t, p. 2711. Prepaymtlllt. Methods of. Allie, p. 2548. 8'appl~:nt seulemenJ aw: seroicu auxque1.8 Ie tariJ prbm a l'article 11, § 10, est applicable. Elles doivem etre un?Jormes p01J,r chaque pays de destination. 5. -La surtaxe des COlTespon- dances-avion transportOOs par les serviC(>B extraordina.ires (article 11, § 11) peut ~tre majoree, compte ten'//, des frais extraol'di- naires que l'utilisation de ces services occasionne. 6.-u s 8'U7'ta:l;es doivent ~tre acquittOOs obligatoirement au de- part. Saw dans les cas prevus A l'article 6, elles ne peuvent ~tre perC'/Us sur Ie destinataire. 7.- -Les correspondances-avion som affranchies dans les cO'Tldi- tions prhnJa pa,r l'article 46 de la Oonvemion postale universeUe. Toolefois, ef sans ~d (1 la Mlure de ces corn8pO'lUiances, l'affranchmement pem 2tre repre- 8ente par une memion manuscrite, ~ chijJres, de la somme perC'/U, aprimee en monnaie du pay8 d'origine 80'U8 la forme: Affranchu8ement perC'lL: Fr. c, Oetu 11'.8ntion pew, soU figurer dans une griff8 speciale O'U sur une figurine Q'/I, et'UJ,uette speciale, soU encore etre mmplement in- serite sur I' enve~ de I' objet par un proteM ([I.UlCOnque. Dans IO'U8 les ca8, la mention doil 2tre appuyu du timbre a date du bureau d'origine. ARTICLE 4. UDprepald, etc., ar- COlTespondan~vion non affran- tIeles. chies ou insuffisamment aft'ran- chies. Treatment and I.- En cas d'absence totale charges. d'affranchissement, les OOITeS- Ante, p. 2M3. pondances-avion 80nt traiths confonnement aux dispositions des articles 34 et 35 de 10. Conven- tion postale universelle. Les ob- jets dont l'affranchissement postal n'est pas obligatoire au depart sont transmis par les voies ordi- naires. 4. The surcharges mentioned in Sections 1, 2 and 3 of the pres- ent ArticlG ap'p!y solely to the services to which the tariff pro- vided;for by Article 11, Section 10, is applicable. They must be uni- fonn for every country of destina- tion. 5. The surcharge for air-mail cOlTespondence transported by extraordinary services (Article 11, Section 11) may be increased to take account of the extraordinary expenses which the use of those services occasions. 6. The surcharges must be pre- paid at the point of departure. Except in the cases contemplated by Article 6, they may not be collected from the addressee. 7. Air-mail correspondence is prepaid under the conditions fi."{ed by Article 46 of the Universal Postal Convention. However, regardless of the nature of such correspondence, the prepayment may be represented by a hand- written notation, in figUres, of the sum collected, expressed in money of the country of origin, in the following form: "Affranchissement perQu: Fr. ____ 0. ____ " (Postage collected: Fr. ____ c. ____ ) This notation may appear either in a special hand-stam:p impres- sion or on 9. special adheSIve stamp or label, or, finally, it may be simply written on the envelope of the article by any process what- ever. In all cases, the notation must be supported by the date- stamp of the office of origin. ARTICLE 4 Unpr,epai4 or. insufficiently pre- paid atr-mail corresp01l.dence 1. In case of total lack of pre- payment, air-xnail cOlTespondence 18 treated in accordance with the provisions of Articles 34 and 35 of the Universal Postal Convention. Articles whose prepayment at the time of ma.iling is not obligatory aI'6 sent by the ordinary means.