Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1102

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2710 UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June 28, 1929. Paymentto~ 4.-8auf lea exceptions prevues oftlce. aUK §§ 5 et 6 ci-apres, lea frais de transport aenen sont payables A l'Admjnjstration des postes du pays on Be trouve I'aeroport dans lequelles correspondances ont ete pnses en charge par Ie service aerien. Dlr~ct settlement 5.- L'Office qui remet A une with air transport serv-. •• loespermitted. entrepnse de tra~port aetien des dep&iliea destinees A emprunter 8uooessivement plusieurs servicea aeriens distincta peut, s'iI eat d'aooord avec Ies Offices inter- m&liaires, ~Ier directement avec cette entrepnse les frais de trans- port pour Ia totalite du parcours. ClaIm of interme- Les om . te1:..l! • td dIate AdmlnlstmtioDS. cea In rmtru.J.arres on, e leur c6te, Ie droit de demander l'application pure et simple des dispositions du § 4. 6. - Par derogation aux stipu- lations des §§ 4 et 5 ci-<iessus, est reserve A chaque Administration dont depend un service aarien, Ie droit de percevoir directement de chaque Administration qui utilise ce service les frais de transport afferents a la totalite du parcO'lUs. DIrect I8la&IaaI reo 7.- Les frais du transport 1IIfVeci. ~-! d d . a~u.en es correspon ances-avlOn expemees en dep~hes closes sont a la charge de I'Administration du pays d'originei les frais du transport aerien <les correspon- dances expediees Adecouvert sont A la charge de l'Administration qui lea remet a decouvert a une autre Admjnjstration. m:.:visIOD over 8.- 8auf entente contraire en route. I Admi' . d entre es rnstratloDS es postes interessees, Ie transborde- ment en cours de route dans un m~me aeroport des dep~hes qui empruntent successivement plu- meurs services aeriens distincts se fait obligatoirement par I'inter- mediaire de I'Administration des postea du pays on a lieu Ie trans- bordement. Cette regIe ne s'applique pas Iorsque ce trans- bordement a lieu entre des appa- reils assurant les sections suooes- sives d'un m&neserviee. ':'=:'DIcIIIrps 9. -R n'e8I pas per~ de JmiB d'mlrepQt pour Ies depkhes- avion. Toutefois, dans Ie cas oil, pour des circonstances exceptionnelles, 4. With the exceptions pro- vided for in Sections 5 and 6 below, the aerial transportation ch~es are payable to the Postal Admmistration of the country in which the airport where the cor- respondence has been taken in charge by the air service is located. 5. The Administration which delivers to an air-transport enter.. prise mails destined to employ several separate air services in succession may, if it has agreed with the intermediate Adminis- trations, settle directly with that enterprise fo= the transportation charges for the whole route. The intermediate Administra- tiuns, for their part, have the right to demand the application pure and simple of the provisions of Section 4. 6. By exception to the provi- sions of Sections 4 and 5 above, each Administration controlling an air service retains the right to collect directly from each Admin. istration utiliziAg that service the transportation charges relative to the whole route. 7. The air-tra.nsportation charges for air-mail correspond. ence sent in closed mailS are chargeable to the Administration of the country of origin; the air- transportation charges for corre- spondence sent in open mail are chargeable to the Administration which delivers them in open mail to another AdIrdnistration. 8. Barring contrary agreement among the Postal AdministrG- tions concerned, the transfer en route, in one and the same airport, of mails which employ several sep- arate air services in succe&Si~nt must be performed by the POStal Administration of the country where the transshipment is effect- ed. This rule does not apply when the transfer is made be- tween machines perfonning suc- cessive sections of one and the same servIce. 9. No warehousing charges are collected for air-mail dispatches. However, in case where, thru exceptional circumstances, con-