Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1106

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2714 UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June 28, 1929. l'DIt, p. 2728. World map. tales aenennes et une liste ge- na-ale des pays desservis par des lignes amennee. Ou documents 80m reparliB sans dQai entre lee AdminIstrations. La lilte 9I:M- role a et&blir ~ar Ie Bureau in- ternational dott correepondre au mockk A V 1 ci-anfUu. Le Bureau international est charge ~alement de dresser une carte mondiale indiquant lee lignes postales de communica- tions. internationales aenennes, ainsi l[Ut des cartes supplmnen- t&.ires donnant les ligries inte- rieures de chaque continent. D~tedllsts,etc., 4. A titre de renseignement aent directly. • • • d Schedulee, etc., IIIlDt recuJarly. Settlement of 11& COWlts. proVlSOll'e, une cople es commu- nications sous c et d sera trans- mise directement par chaque Ad- ministration a tous les autres Offices qui en exprimeront Ie desir. 5. -Les Administrations com- muniqueront, en outre, r~ere­ ment, a tous les Offices qui en feront la demande, les horaires des lignes aeriennes de leurs nseaux inMrieur et international avec indication, pour chaque port dJescale, des heuree d'aniv~ et de depart dee avions. CHAPITRE V. R~lement de compte. ARTICLE 15. Statistique de dkompte. Method... 1. - Le decompte gena-a! dee frais de transport amen a lieu d'apr~ dee releves statistiques etablis dans 168 sept jO'Urs qui 8UWem Ie 1,4. juin et Ie 14- novem· bre de chaque annee. Lee don- nees de la statistique de juin for- ment la base des bonifications dues pour Ie service d'eM; celles de novembre comptent pOUl' Ie service d'hiver. 8peaIU - . 2. - Les statistiquee concernant des services 1ui ne fonctionnent pas pendant es mois de juin et novembre seront etabliee apres entente entre les AdministratIOns interessees. Quarterly.we - 3 -Par mesure transitoire tout mente optional.' , Office a II. facult.e de demander que les reglements de compte countries served by air lines. These documents are distributed without delay among the Admin- istrations. The general list to be prepared by the International Bureau must correspond to Model A V 1 hereto appended. The International Bureau is also charged with making up a world map indicating the lines of international air-mail communica- tions, as well as supplementary maps giving the internal lines of each Continent. 4. For temporary information, a COllY of each communication mentIoned under (c) and (d) will be sent directly by each Adminis- tration to all other Administra- tions which express their desire to receive them. 5. Admjnistrations will also communicate regularlv , to all Ad- ministrations requesting them, the schedules of the air lines of their domestic and international services, with indication of the hours of arrival and departure of the planes from each port of call. CHAPTER V SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNTS ARTICLE 15 Accounting statistics 1. The general accounting for aerial transportation charges is effected in accordance with sta- tistical tables made up during the seven days following the 14th of June and the 14th of November of each year. The results of the June statistics form the basis for the payments due for the summer sel'Vlce; those of November being used for the winter service. 2. Statistics concerning ser· vices which do not operate during the months of June and November will be made u!) after agreelDent among the Ad:l!!injs- trations concerned. 3. As a temporary measure, every Admjnjstration has the op- tion of requesting that the settle-