Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1145

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COXYEXTIOX-:\)IERICA~ REPrBLICS. FURt'"ARY 20. 1~28. Corwention between the Fnited States of Ameri~a and vthu Ameri~an Republia regarding the statu,'! oj alur:S. Signed at Haban<l, February 20, 1928; ratification adl'ised by the SeMie, u:ith exception oj articles 3 and 4, April 16, 1930; ratified by the President, Afay 7, 1930; ratification of tile Fnited States oj America deposited 'Il-?th the Pan American L'nion, ..Hay 21, 1930; proclaimed, June 6, 1930. BY THE PRESIDEXT OF THE rXITED STATES OF A~IERICA A PROCLA~fATIOX 2753 WHEREAS, a Com·ention regarding the status of aliens in their. C 'onnntion r~~d. . .. dd'hEl'hS.hP mg the Slatlls of alIens. respectIve terrItorIes was a opte In t e ng IS, pams, ortu- guese and French languages at the Sixth International Conference of American States at Habana on February 20, 1928, by the Pleni- potentiaries of the Dnikd States of America under reservation of its Article 3, and by the respective Plenipotentiaries of Peru, Uruguay, Panama, Ecuador, Mexico, EI Salvador) Guatemala, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Venezuela, Colombia, Honduras, Costa Rica, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Cuba, the English text of which Convention, as contained in the Final Act signed by the Plenipotentiaries of the said States at t.he closing session of the said Conference, is word for word as follows: CONYENTIO:-I [STATUS OF ALIENS] The Governments of the Republics represented at the Sixth Inter- T":T. _ _ d!'< 'wt'd. national Conference of American States, held in the city of Habana, Republic of Cuba, in the year 1928; • Have decided to conclude a convention for the purpose of deter- mining the status of aliens within their respective territories and to that end have appointed the following plenipotentiaries: Peru: Jesus Melquiades Salazar, Victor Maurtua, Enrique Castro t;~!ll>",l"Ltiaritll!. Oyanguren, Luis Ernesto Denegri. Uruguay: J ncobo Varela Acevedo, Juan J ose AnH~zaga, Leonel Aguirre, Pedro Erasmo Callorda. Panama: Ricardo J. Alfaro, Eduardo Chiari. Ecuador: Gonzalo Zaldumbide, Victor Zevallos, Colon Eloy Alfaro. Mexico: Julio Garda, Fernando Gonzalez Roa, Salvador "Crbina, A~uiles Elorduy. Salvador: Gustavo Guerrero, Hector David Castro, Eduardo Alvarez. Guatemala: Carlos Salazar, Bernardo Alvarado Tello, Luis Bel- tranena, J oae Azurdia. Nicaragua: Carlos Cuadra Pazos, Joaquin Gomez, Maximo H. Zepeda. Bolivia: Jose Antezana, Adolfo Costa du Rels. Venezuela: Santiago Key Ayala, Francisco Gerardo Yanes, Rafael Angel Arraiz. Colombia: Enrique Olaya Herrera, Jesus M. Yepes, Roberto Urdaneta Arbelaez, Ricardo Gutierrez Lee. Honduras: Fausto Davila, Mariano Vazquez.