Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1282

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2890 ARBITRATION TREATY-ITALY. APRIL 19, 1928. _ .. .; ;A.:.<:.p=rI!;..:ol\}=• ..:..:l928=... _ Arbitration Treaty between the United States oj America and Italy. Arbitration Italy. Preamble. with Contracting Powers. Purpose neclared. Former treaty. Vol. 35, p. ~l. Signed at Washington, April 19, 1928; ratification advised by the Senate, May 10, 1928; ratified by the President, May 15, 1928; ratified by Italy, November 27, 1930; ratifications exchanged at Wash- ington, January 20,1931; proclaimed, January 21,1931. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS a Treaty of Arbitration between the United States of America and Italy was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Washington on the nineteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight, the original of which Treaty, being in the English and Italian J.anguages, is word for word as follows: The President of the United States of America and His Majesty the King of Italy Determined to prevent so far as in their power lies any in- terruption in the peaceful rela- tions that happily have always existed between the two nations i Desirous of reaffirming their adherence to the policy of sub- mitting to impartial decision all justiciable controversies that may arise between them i and Eager by their example not only to demonstrate their con- demnation of war as an instru- ment of national policy in their mutual relations, but also to hasten the time when the per- fection of international arrange- ments for the pacific settlement of international disputes shall have eliminated forever the possi- bility of war among any of the Powers of the world; Have decided to conclude a new treaty of arbitration enlarg- ing the scope and ob~ations of the arbitration conventIOn signed at Washington ot:. March 28, 1908, which expired by limitation on January 22, 1924, and for that purpose they have appointed as their respective Plenipotentiaries II Presidente degli Stati Uniti dell'AT.lerica del Nord e Sua Maesta il Re d'Italia, decisi a prevenire, per quanto e in loro potere, qualunque in- terruzione delle relazioni pacifiche che sono sempre felicemente esis- tite fra Ie due N azioni; desiderosi di riaffermare la loro adesione a.l sistema di sottomettere ad una decisione imparziale tutte Ie controversia suscettibili di una soluzione giuridica che possano sorgere fra essi; e intendendocon illoro esempio non solo di dimostrare che essi condannano la guerra come mezzo di politica nazionale nelle loro mu- tua relazioni, ma anche di affret- tare il momento che il perfeziona- mento degli accordi internazionali per] regolamento pacifico delle controversie internazionali avra eliminato per sempre la possibilita di guerre fra Ie Potenze del mondo; hanno deciso di concludere un nuovo Trattato di Arbitrato che allarghi 10 scopo e Ie obbligazioni della Convenzione di Arbitrato firmata a Washington il 28 marzo 1908 e spirata il 22 gennaio 1924, e a questo fine hanno nominato come loro Plenipotenziarii rispet- tivamente