Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1294

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2902 POSTAL AGREEMENT-HUNGARY. December 15. 1930. January 15, 1931. Vol. 45, p. 2Il92. for other disposition to be maue zokat az intezked6seket teheti, of it the same as in the case of mint amelyeket az 1928 evi parcels wi!.hout tradd charges jUlius 3-augusztus 16-iki egyez- and 88 stipulatec'. in Article XIX meny XIX. cikke az uttinvetel of the Convention of July 3- n6lktili csomagokra meg811apit. August 16, 1928. Further provisions authorized. Article XVI. Details as to the methods of handling indemnity claims in- volving C. O . D . parcels and other details for the execution of this Agreement may be arranged by correspondence between the two Administrations. Article XVII. Application of other All tte ted .th th postal conventions to ma rs connec WI e ro:tters not provided exchange of C. O . D . articles not . covered by this Agreement shall be governed by the Money Order, Postalz and Parcel Post Conven- tions m force between the two countries, or by the provisions of the Universal Postal Union Convention and the Detailed Regulations for its Execution, in so far as they are applicable and not inconsistent WIth. the pro- visions of this Agreement, and then if no other arrangement has been made, the internal legisla- tion or regulations of the United States or Hungaryj according to the country involved, shall govern, or the matter involved Will be made the subj ect of mutual agreement by corres1?ondence between the two countnes. Temporary suspen- sion of servioe. Article XVIII. Either Administration may tem:porarily suspend the C. O . D . serVIce, in whole or in part, when there are special reasons for doing so, or restrict it to certain offices, but on the condition that previous and opportune notice of such a measure is given to the other Administration such notice to be given by the most rapid means if necessary. XVI. Cikk. Az utanveteles csomagokra vo- natkoz6 karterit6si ig6nyek elbi- r8.1asanak kozelebbi szab8.1yait ugyszinten ennek az egyezmeny- nek foganatositasara vonatkoz6 kozelebbi rendelkezeseket a ket igazgatas iratv8.1tas utjan 8lla- pitja meg. XVII. Cikk. Amennyiben ennek az egyez- menynek cikkei nem rendelkeznek az utanv6teles csomagok kicsere- Msare vonatkoz6 osszes kardesek- ben, a kat igazgatas kozott kotott postautalvany- es csomagszerz(S.. des rendelkezesei, vagy pedig az egyetemes postaszerzlSdes es fogftll.atosit6 szab8.1yzatanak ren- delkezesei nyernek alkalmazast, amennyiben a.zok alkalmaz- hat6k es ennek az egyezmenynek rendelkezeseivel osszeegyeztethe- t6k; vegiil, ha egyeb rendel- kezes nines, az es,t szerint az Amerikai Egyesillt Allamok, vagy pedig Magyarorszag belfoldi tor- venyei as szab8.1yai nyernek alkal- ma.zast, vagy pedig a kerdest a k6t orszag kozott iratv8.1tas utjan kolcsonos megegyezassel kell sza- b8.1yozni. XVIII. Cikk. Mindegyik igazgatasnak joga van, ha kiilonos okok fennforog- nak, az utanveteles szolg8.1atot egy idlSre as pedig egeszen vagy reszletesen megsziintetni, vagy azt bizonyos hivatalaira korlatoz- ni; az ilyen inMzked6st azonban ellSzetesen a leheM leggyorsabb m6don kell - amennyiben sziikse- ges - a mOsik igazgatassal kozolni.