Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1306

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2914 CONVENTION-PAN AMERICAN. FEBRUARY 20, 1929. dicho Protocolo haya sido seep- this Protocol has been accepted tado por su pals y por 180 naci6n by his country and the country in donde se solicite 180 protecci6n. which he seeks protection. Articulo S. ol~ registration Toda. marca debidamente regis- tra.da 0 logalmente protegida en uno de los Estados Contratantes sera. admitida a registro 0 dep6sito y protegida legalmente en los demas Estados Contratantes, pre- Domesticregulations vio el cumplimiento de los requi- to govern. sitos formales establecidos por 180 ley nacional de dichos Estados. ~Uons for reo- Podra. denegarse 0 can('.~larse el registro 0 dep6sito de marcas: 1. Cuyos elementos distintivos violen los derechos previamente adquiridos por otra persona en el pals donde se solicita el registro 0 dep6sito. 2. Que esten desprovistas de todo caracter distintivo 0 con- sistan exclusivamente en pala- bras, signos 0 indicaciones ~ue sirven en el comercio para deslg- nar la, especie, calidad, can- tidad, destino, valor, lugar de origen de los productos, epoca de producci6n, 0 que son 0 hayan pasado a ser genericas 0 usuales en el lenguaje corriente 0 en la costumbre comercial del pals al tiempo en que se solicite el regis- tro 0 dep6sito, cuando el pro- pietario de 180 marea las reivindi- que 0 pretenda reivindicarlas como elementos distintivos de 180 misma. Para determinar el caracter dis- tintivo de una marca, deberan tomarse en consideraci6n todas las circunstancias existentes en especialla duraci6n del uso de la marca y si dicha marca ha adqui- rido dehecho en el pals en que se 80licite el dep6sito, registro 0 ;pro- tecci6n, una significaci6n distmti- va de 180 mercanc1a del solicitante. Article S. Every mark duly registered or legally protected m one of the Contracting States shall be ad- mitted to registration or deposit and legally protected in the other Contracting States, upon com- pliance with the formal provisions of the domestic law of such States. Registration or deposit may be refused or cancelled of marks: 1. The distinguishing elements of which infringe rights already acquired by another person in the country where registration or de- posit is claimed. 2. Which lack any distinctive character or consist exclusively of words, symbols, or s~s which serve in trade to desIgnate the class, kind, qualit;v, quantity, use, value, place of ongin of the prod- ucts, time of production, or which are or have become at the time registration or deposit is sought, generic or usual terms in current language or in the commercial usage of the country where regis- tration or deposit is sought, when the owner of the marks seeks to appropriate them as a distinguish- ing element of his mark. In determining the distinctive character of a mark, all the cir- cumstances existing should be taken into account, particularly the duration of the use of the mark and if in fact it has acquired in the country where deposit, registration or protection is sought, a significance distinctive of the applicant's goods. 3. Que ofendan a 180 moral 3. Which offend public morals publica 0 sean contrarias al orden or which may be contrary to pub- publico. lic order.