Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/1409

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1929. March three, eighteen hundred and ninety-one (26 Stat., 1103), entitled "An Act To repeal timber-culture laws and for other pur- poses ", do proclaim that the boundaries of the said White :Mountain National Forest are hereby chan~ed to exclude ther~from the lands found to be unsuitable for acqUIsition, and to include other lands which have been or may hereafter be acquired under the said Act of March one, nineteen hundred and eleven, as shown on the diagram attached hereto and made a part hereof, and that &lllands within said boundaries which have been or may hereafter be acquired by the United States under authority of said Act of March one, nineteen hundred and eleven, shall be permanently resefycd and administered as a part of the 'Vhite Mountain National Forest. IN WITNESS :WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hands and caused the seal of .the United States to be .:-tffixed. DONE in the cIty 01 'Washing;;on this 26" day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine htmdrlJd and twenty- [SEAL] nine, and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and fifty-fourth. . By the President: H L STIMSON Secretary oj State. HERBERT HOOVER By THE PRESiDENT OF THE Cl'.rrTED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLAM.:\TION 3009 At this season of the "I.- e ar, when (he harvest had been gathcre,d TiBnasg;ving, 1!,2\:' . , Prcambll' . in, the thoughts of our forefathers turned toward God with thanks- giving for the blessings of plenty find provision against the needs of winter. They came by ~ustom to 100k to thb Chief Mabris~rate to set apart a day oi prayer iUld praise, whereun their thank£ tl8 a united people m!ght :)e gi.wn with one voice in unison. Go::l has greatly blessed us as a nation in the year now drawing to a close. The earth has yielded an abundant harve!:o;t ill rA10st parts .j{ our country. The fruits of industry have been of unexampled quantity and value. Both capita~. and labor have enjoyed an exceptional


Assurhnces of peace, at home and abmad, hav6 been strengthened and enlarged. Progress hilS been made in provisio:l against pre- ventable disast?rs from flood and pestilence. Enli;;htellment has grown apace in !lew reyelations of scientific tr~th and iu diffusion (\f knowledge. Educational opportunities havp- steadily enlarg~d. En- during advances have been gained in the protection of the publi~ health. Childhood is measurably more secure. New experience and new knowledge in many fiE::lds have been recorded, from which a deeper wisdom may grow. 'Ve should accept these blessings with resolution to devote them to service of Almighty God. Now, ~herefore, I I:Ierbert Hoove~r, President of the United ~tates be;~~'tg;J,'des%~:~':d of Amenca, do appomt and set &SIde Thursday, the twenty-eIghth asTbanksgivingDay. day of November, as a day of National ThanksgiYing, and do recom- mend that all our people on that day rest from their daily work that they should extend to others less fortunately placed, a share in their abundance, and that they gather at their accustomed places of worship, there to render up thanks to Almighty God for His Dlany blessings upon them, fo~' His forbearan~e and goodness. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have l..eceunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the great seal of the Unit.ed States.