Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/255

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS. SESS. II. CR. 430. 1930. the submission of satisfactory evidence by the beneficiary to the Bureau of Pensi'lns. 1863 The name of Sarah Crawford, widow of Lewis Crawford, late Sarah Crawford. of Captain James R. Ramsey's company of 'Vest Virginia State Troops, and pay her a pensi~n at ~he rate of $30 per ~onth. The name of Emma H. King wIdow of J am{',s E. Kmg, late of E=a H. King. Company A, Sixth Regiment Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $30 per month. Pension increa!led. The name of Lillie Owen, former widow of Richard B. Gaugh, Lillie Owen. late of Company K, One hundred and sixty-ninth Regiment Penn- sylvania Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $40 per moth in lieu of that she is now recei ving. PensloIL~. The name of Anna E. Taylor, widow of Samuel Taylor, alias S. Anna E. Taylor. Taylor, late of Captain A. W . Mann's Company B, Independent Scouts, Greenbrier Countl' West Virginia State Troops, and pay her a pension at the rate 0 $30 per month. The name of John M. Rader, alias J. M. Rader, late of Captain J J~hnR~e~ader. allda A. W . Mann's Company B, Independent Scouts, Greenbrier County, .. . West Virginia State Troops, and pay him a pension at the rate of $50 per month. The name of Mat:garet S. Rader, widow of Benjamin L., alias Margaret 8. Hader. B. L . Rader, late of Captain A. W . Mann's Company B, Independent Scouts, Greenbrier County, West Virginia State Troops, and pay her a pension at the rate of $30 per month. The name of Elizabeth E. Bennett? former widow of' Eli Ornt, ne~llmbeth E. Ben· late of Company M, First Regiment Michigan Volunteer Cavalry, . and pay her a pension at the rate of $30 ~r month. The name of Eli F. Prayther, alias Eli F. Prater, alias Eli EHl~,F~~'i1 Prater, late of Company L~ Tenth Regiment Kentucky Volunteer Prater. • Calvary, and Company G, ~'orty-fifth Regiment Kentucky Volun- teer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of $50 per month. The name of Celia Wheeler, widow of James Wheeler late of Celia Wheeler. Captain Luman W. Storey's Company of North Missouri Railroad BrIdges Guards, Volunteer Missouri Militia, and pay her a pension at the rate of $30 per month. The name of Adeline Jester, widow of Alexander Jester, alias Adeline Jester. William A. Hill, late of Nineteenth Battery Indiana V olun~r Light Artillery, and pay her a pension at the rate of $30 per month. Pension increued. The name of Dora Albright, widow of Marcellus Albright, late Dora Albright. of Company A, Seventh Regiment West Virginia Volunteer Infantry, and Companies Land E, Sixth Regiment West Virginia Volunteer Cavalry and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving: Provided, l.'hat in the tz=· to cease on event of the death of Lloyd Albright, helpless and dependent son deathofch1ld. of said Dora and Marcellus Albright, the additional pension herein granted shall cease and determine: And provided further, That in d!~r~Jfh:,~ld on the event of the death of Dora Albright the name of said Lloyd Albright shall be placed on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and lImitations of the pension laws, at the rate of $20 per month from and after the date of death of said Dora Albright. Pension. The name of Icie Phillips, widow of Robert E. Phillips, late of lcle Phllllps. Companies K and C, Seventh Regiment West Virginia Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month and increase the rate to $30 per month from and after the date she shall have attained the age of sixty years, which fact shall be determined by the submIssion of satisfactory evidence by the beneficiary to the Bureau of Pensions. Pension increased. The name of Lucena Brown, widow of James Brown, late of Lucena Brown. Company H, One hundred and seventy-fourth Regiment Ohio Vol-