Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/320

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1928 SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS. SESS. II . CHS. 671-673. 1930. l[tf 27, ltr'- c~. 671. -An Act For the relief of members of the crew of the transport tPrivai;'~~. 1.8.] Antilles. Be it enacted by the Senate and H O'I.UJe of Reptresentatilves of the l~~;::e~rr~r Urdted States of America in Oongress assembled That the Comp- ~onal pro pert)' troller General of the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized , tobeadjusted. and directed to examine and settle the claims of the crew of the transport Antilles, which was sunk in October, 1917, on the high Limitation. seas by an enemy torpedo, for the value of private property lost by the sinking of said vessel, and to allow reimbursement of the value of said prIvate property not exceeding the sum of $100 in anyone Appropriation for. case, and there is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, sufficient sums, Dot exceeding in the aggregate $3,000, for tlie payment of such of these claims a9 may be allowed by the Comptroller General of the United States. lune 27, 1930. [8.1955.) [Private, No. a9.j Approved, June 27, 1. 930 . CHAP. 672.- An Act For the relief of the Maddux Air Lines (Incorporated). Be it enacted by the Senate and H O'I.UJe of Representatives of the (InTarmstroBot (talk)!t~ Lines United States of A'11'te'rica in Oongress assembled, That the Secretary Relmb~mwt to, of the Treasury be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to pay, for 1058 oflUl"Jllane. out of any money III the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to the lune 27, 1930. -= = -" , [8:-:- ,'968, :<-' ]~'­ [Private, No. ISO .) Maddux Air Lines (Incorporated), of Los Angeles, California, the sum of $42,377.45 as reimbursement for loss by the destruction of its certain tri-motored Ford airplane bearing factory number 5-AT-10, license number NC 9636, destroyed near San DIego, California, on April 21, 1929, without fault on its part, through collision with an airplane belonging to the War Department of the United States, and then and there operated in a wrongful and negligent manner by Lieutenant Howard Keefer, a United States pilot, then and there flying under orders and in line of duty. Approved, June 27, 1930. CHAP. 673. -An Act For the re!ief of Anna Faceina. Be it enacted by the Senate o:rul House of Re~e8entati1Je8 01 the t=!TI~ior per_ United States 01 America in Oongress assembled, That the Secretary sonaiinjuries. ' of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to Anna Faceina, of New York City, the sum of $5,000, in full settle- ment of all claims against the Government, and as compensation for injuries sustained when run down by a United States mail wagon on August 20, 1920. Limitation on attor- SEC. 2 . That no part of the amount appropriated in this Act in ney's fee. excess of 3 per centum thereof shall be paid or delivered to or re- ceived by any agent or agents, attorney or attorneys, on account of services rendered or advances made in connection with said claim. Panalt)' for violation. Any person or persons violating the provisions of this Act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not exceeding $1,000. Approved, June 27, 1930.