Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/564

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2172 Vol. 45, p. 1508. Distribution. CO~CURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF' CONGRESS. the mothers and widows entitled to make a pilgrimage to the ceme- teries in Europe under the provisions of the Act of Congress ap- proved March 2, 1929, entitled" An Act to enable the mothers and widows of the deceased soldiers, sailors, and marines of the American forces now interred in the cemeteries of Europe to make a pilgrimage to these cemeteries," and that ten thousand five hundred addi- tional copies be printed and bound, of which five thousand five hundred copies shall be for the use of the House; two thousand copies for the use of the Senate; one thousand copies for the use of the Committee on Military Affairs of the Senate and two thousand copies for the use of the Committee on Military ~\'ffairs of the House. Passed, December 21,1929. February 25, 1930. KINGS MOUNTAIN, S. C ., SESQUICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION. [H. Con. Res., No. 21.) . Resolved by the House oj Representatives (the Senate concurring), s.~I.~~SqTarmstroBot (talk) 15:54, 18 January 2013 (UTC)t;~~i That a committee consisting of three Members of the Senate to be ceIJe~rattlc·on. 'tte no. appointed by the President of the Senate, and three Members of the Oln omml e a... - • • pointed to represent House of Representatlves to be appomted by the Speaker of the Congress at. House of Representatives, shall represent the Congress of the United States at the celebration to be held at t,he battle ground of the Battle .. of Kings Mountain, in the State of South Carolina, on October 7 DlvlSlonofexpenses. 1930. The members of such committee shall be paid their actual April 1, 1930. [H. Con. Res., No. 27.) exp~nses, one-half out of the contingent fund of the Senate and one- half.out of the contingent fund of the House of Representatives. Passed, February 25, 1930. CHARLESTON AND CAROLINA CELEBRATION. Resolved by the House oj Representatives (the Senate concurring), lln~h15:54, 18 January 2013 (UTC):~.dcaro- That a committee of three Members .of the Senate, to be appointed ~o~n~ c<to~tt;ees:Et by the President of the Senate, and three Members of the House of TarmstroBot (talk) 15:54, 18 January 2013 (UTC)s, to be ~eld at Representatives, to be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Charleston. Representatives, shall represent the Congress of the United States at the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the city of Charleston and the two hundreti and sLxtieth anniversary of the founding of the Province of Carolina under the Lord Proplietors, to be held at Division ofexJl"nscs. Charleston, South Carolina, on April 10 to 13, 1930. The members of such committee shall be paid their actual expenses, one-half out of the contingent fund of the Senate and one-half out of the con- tingent fund of the House of Representatives Paesed, April 1, 1930. April 10, 1930. BATTLES OF KING'S MOUNTAIN AND COWPENS, B. C. [H. Con. Res., No. 29.) . Resolved by the House oj Representatives (the Senate concurring), M~~l:fn ~d Kg~,~ That three thousand additional copies of House Document N um- pe1~li' c'l I f bered 328, Seventieth Congress, first session, entitled "Historical Hou5e\TarmstroBot (talk)!t.::lai. Statements Concerning the Battle of King's Mountain and the Battle Ingto,orderedpnn~ed. of the Cowpens in South Carolina," by Lieutenant Colonel H. L . Landers, he printed with illustrations and bound for the use of the Committee on Printing of the House of Representatives. Passed, April 10, 1930.