Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/566

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2174 CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. entitled 'An Act to provide for the establishment of a ~robation svstem in the United States Courts, except In the DIStrict of Columbia' Page I, line 5 of the engrossed bill, strike out the figures "726" and insert the figure "3". Page 2, line 21 of the engrossed bill, strike out the figures "727" and insert the figure "4". Page 3, line 20 of the engrossed bill, strike out an of line 20 after the word "section" and all of line 21 and insert in lieu thereof the following: "4 of the Act of March 4, 1925, Chap. 521, 43 Statutes at Large 1261 (Sec. 727, title 18, U. S. C.), entitled' An Act to provide for the establishment of a probation system in the United States Courts, except in the District of Columbia', as follows:" Page 3, line 22 of the engrossed bill, strike out the figures" 728" ana insert the figure" 4 (a)". Page 1 of the engrossed bill strike out 1:1.11 of the title and insert in lieu thereof the following: "To amend the Act of March 4, 1925, Chap. 521, and for other purposes.' , Passed, May 27, 1930. lune 3, 1930. LE WIS AND CLARK EXPEDITION. [H. Con. Hes., No. 28 .] . Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), LeWIS and Clark Ex· Th .t fthrMb fthSt 1 • d pedition. _ ataCOmmItee0 ee emers0 e ena e, to De appomte 15:55, 18 January 2013 (UTC) c~~:~:S!Et by the President of the Senate, and three Members of the House of Congress at the 125th Representatives, to be appointed by the Speaker of the House d ~Fversarycelebratlon Representatives, shall represent the Congress of the United States at the one hundred and twenty-fifth annivers8TY of the celebration of American independence by the Lewis and Clark Expedition on July DI.. 4, 1805, at a point adjacent to what is now Great Falls, Montana, VISIOn o(expens£s. to be held at Great Falls, Montana, on July 4, 1930. The members lune 14, 1930. [So Con: Res., No. 29.] of such committee shall be paid their actual expenses, one-half out of the contingent fund of the Senate and one-half out of the con- tingent fund of the House of Representatives. Passed, June 3, 1930. STATUE OF JOHN CAMPBELL GREENWAY. Resolved by the Senate (the House oj Representatives concurring), be~m~:e~;TarmstroBot (talk) Camp· Th~t thfere h be prindt~d ~thcillust.rations a.nhd bo.uhnd hfive thouds.and Proceedings Oil ae· COpIeS 0 t e procee mgs m ongress, toget er WIt t e procee mgs

f;~~ 0(, ordered held at the unveiling in Statuary Hall, upon the acceptance of the

Ante, p 2173. statue of General John Campbell Greenway, presented by the State Distribution. of Arizona, of which one thousand shall be for the use of the Senat.e and two thousand five hundred for the use of the House of Repre- sentatives, and the remainin~ one thousand five hundred copies shall be for the use and distributIon of the Sen~tors and Represe!'tative in Congress from the State of Arizona. D1ustrations. The Joint Committee on Printing is hereby authorized to have the copy prepared for the Public Printer and shall procure suitable illus- trations to be published with these proceedings. Passed, June 14, 1930.