Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/589

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INTERNATIONAL SLAVERY CONVENTION. SEPl'EMBER 25,1926. 2197 BULGARIE CHINE COLOMBIE CUBA DANEMARK FSPACNE FSTONIE ETHIOPIE FINLANDE FRANCE GRtcE ITAUE LETTONIE UBER-IA UTHUANIE NORM PANAMA PAYS-BAS PERSE POLOGNE PORTUGAL D. MIKOFF CHAo-HsIN CHU Francisco Jose URRUTIA BULGARIA CHINA COLOMBIA Aristides DE AGUERO BETHANCOURT CUBA Herluf ZAHLE DENMARK Pour l'Espagne et les Colonies SPAIN espagnoIes, exception faite du Pro- tectorat espagnol du :Maroc 1 Mauricio Lopez ROBERTS Marquis DE LA TORREHERMOSA J. LAIDONER ESTONIA GUETATCHOU ABYSSINIA MAKoN',NEN Kentiba GEBROU Ato TASFAE Rafael ERICH FINLAND B. CLAUZEL D. CACLAMANOS V. DENDRAMIS FRANCE GREECE Vitorrio SCIALOJA ITALY Charles DUZMANS LATVIA Subject to ratification by the UBERIA Liberian Senate 3 BOIl R. LEHMANN Venceslas SIDZlKAUSKAS Fridtjof NANSEN Eusebio A. MORALES W. F . VAN LENNEP UTHUANIA NORWAY PANAMA NETHERLANDS .Ad refererulum et en interpretant PERSIA l'article 3 comme ne pouvant pas obliger la Perse A se lier par aucun arrangement ou convention qui placerait ses navires de n'importe quel tonnage dans la ca~gorie des navires indig~nes prevue par la convention sur Ie commerce des armes 8 Prince ARFA Auguste ZALESKI Augusto de V ASCONCELLOB POLAND ROUMANIE N. TITULESCO PORTUGAL ROUMANIA KINCDOM OF THE ROYAUME DFS SER- M . JOVANOVITCH BE$, CROATFS ET SLOVENFS I Tramlation bV the SecTt14riat of the uague of l\-aliom: SERBS, CROATS AND SLOVENFS For Spain and the Soanlsh Colonies, with the exception of the Spanish Protectorate of Morocco . • Trarillatiom br tAl &cTt14nllt of the :ua~ of Natiom: Under ~rve de ratification par Ie Senate liberian. I Ad re/ermdum and Interpretin!l( Article 3 as without power to compel Persia to bind herself by any arrangement or convention which would place her ships of whatever tonnage in the category or nativi vessels provided for by the Convention on the Trade In A.n:na. Ante, p. 21111.