Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/600

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2208 AFRICAN LIQUOR CONVENTION. SEPrEMBER 10, 1919. ARTICLE 11 C:nTarmstroBot (talk) 16:00, 18 January 2013 (UTC) of former All the provisions of former general international Conventions relating to the matters dealt with in the present Convention shall be considered as abrogated in so far as they are binding between the Powers which are parties to the present Convention. Rati1lcation. The present Convention shall be ratified as soon as possible. o~~en~::J'rench Each Power will address its ratification to the French Government, Deposit of rati1lca- which will. info~ all ~he othe! signato!Y PC?wers. . tions. The ratificatlOns will remam depoSIted m the archives of the French Government. Etfective for signa- Th C· will . ~ f h' tory Power on deposit e present onvention come Into lorce or eac SIgnatory of its rati1lcation. Power from the date of the deposit of its ratification, and from that moment that Power will be bound in respect of other Powers which Transmittal f oarti have already deposited their ratifications. fled copies ~ oth~ On the coming into force of the present Convention, the French Powers. Government will transmit a certified copy to the Powers which under the Treaties of Peace have undertaken to accept and observe it, Signatures. and are in conse<I!lence placed in the Bame position as the Con- tracting Parties. The names of these Powers will be notified to the States which adhere. In faith whereof, the above-named Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Convention. Done at Saint-Germain-en-Layer the tenth day of September, one thousand nine hundred and mneteen, in a Bingle copy which will remain deposited in the archives of the Government of the French Republic, and of which authenticated copies will be Bent to each of the signatory Powers. [L. B .] FRANK L. POLK [L. B.] HENRY WHITE [L. s.] T .ASKER H. BLISS [L. s .] HYMANS [L. s.] VAN DEN HEUVEL [L. s.] E. VANDERVELDE [L. s.] ARTHUR JAMES BALFOUR [L. s.] MILNER [L. s.] GEO. N. BARNES [L. s.] A. E. KEMP [L. s.l G. F . PEARCE [L. s .] MILNER [L. s.] 'fHOS. MACKENZIE [L. B.] SINHA OF RAIPUR (L. s .] G. CLEMENCEAU [L. s .] S. PICHON [L. B.] L. L. KLOTZ [L. s.] ANDRE TARDIEU [L. s.] JULES CAMBON [L. 5.] TOM. TITTONI [L. s.] VITTORIO SCIALOJA [L. 5.] MAGGIORINO FERRARIS [L.S.] GUGLIELMO MARCONI [L. 5.] S. CHINDA [L. s .] K. MATSUI [L. 5.] AFFONSO COSTA [L.S.] AUGUSTO SOARES [Proclamation of the President on p. ~.l