Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/705

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PARCEL POST CONVENTION-INDOCmNA. April 5, IG29. July 3, 1929. 2313 post communication, of parcels orifPnating in or addressed for delivery in the territory of the other contracting Administra- tion. 2. Each Administration shall inform the other to which coun- tries parcels may be sent through it as mtermediary. 3. To be accepted for onward transmission, parcels sent by one of the contracting Administra- tions through the service of the other Administration must com- ply with the conditions pre- scribed from time to time by the intermediary Administration. XIV. Check by Ojfice oj Exchange 1. On the receipt of a Parcel Mail, the receiving Office of Exchange shaJ 1 check it. The insured parcels must be carefully compared with the accompany- ing bills. Any discrepancIes or irregularities noted shan be im- mediately reported to the dis- patching Office of Exchange by means of a bulletin of verifica- tion. If report is not made promptly, it will be assumed that the mail ancl the accompanying bills were in every respect in proper order. 2. In the caSe of any discrep- ancies or irr(;gularities in a mail, such record shall be kept as will permit of the furnishing of infor- mation regarding the matter in connection with any subsequent investigation or claim for in- demnity which may be made. 3. If a parcel bill is missing a duplicate shall be made out and a copy sent to the dispatching office of exchange from which the Gispatch was received. 4. Insured parcels bearing evi- dence of violation or damage must have the facts noted on them and be marked with the stamp of the office making the note, or a document drawing attention to the violation or damage must be forwarded with the parcels. l'autre Administration contrac- tante et destin~s ou en prove- nance de pays avec lesqueJs elle entretient des echanges de colis postaux. 2. Chaque Administration fera Notice. connaitre a l'autre les pays aux- queIs des colis peuvent etre a.dresses par son intermediaire. ~. P~url qu'il Phuiss~ etre donnI e p~edn~~il~nstobecom. SUIte <11 eur ac emmement es colis exp~dies par l'une Ad- ministrations contractantes a tra- vers les services de l'autre Ad- ministration doivent remplir les conditions prescrites de temps en temps par l'Administration in- term~diaire. XIV. Contrcle des d'Echange. Bureaux Check by Office of Exchange. 1. A 18. reception d'une d~ Duty of receiving or· peche de colis postaux, Ie bureau l1ce. d'~change destinataire doit 18. v~ri:fier. Les colis assures doi- vent etre compares avec 80in avec les documents qui les ac- compagnent. Toute difference ou irregulariM constatee doit etre immOOiatcment signalee au bu- reau d'echange expediteur au moyen d'un bulletin de verifica- tion. Si rien n'est signaIe rapidement, il sera suppose que l'envoi et Ies documents qui l'accompagnaient ont eM reCius regulierement sous tous les rapports. 2. Dans Ie cas 011 une difference R.ecord of discrep. OU irregularite est constatee dans &nCles. un envoi, Ie fait est constate paJ: un proces-verbal qui est conserve pour permettre l'instruction de l'information, concernant ce fait, ouverte a 1& suite d'une enquete ou d'une demande d'indemniM qui pourrait ~tre faite. 3. Si une feuille de route DuplicateparcelbllL mRn~ue, un duplicata doit ~tre etabli et une copie adressee au bureau d'echange eY.pediteur dequel la depeche a eM reQue. 4. Les colis valeur declaree Noticeotdamage, etc. portant des traces evidentes de violation ou d'avarie doivent ~tre revetus d'une mention signalant Ie fait et du timbre du bureau qui la constatation ou bien' un document attirant l'attention sur la violation ou l'avarie doit etre transmis avee les colis.