Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/781

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PARCEL POST AGREEMENT-ECUADOR. 1uly 11, 1929. August 6,1929. 2389 country of d~tination if that country has, after being duly in- formed of the a,Pplication for in- demnity, let rune months pass without settling the matter. 13. The obligation of paying the indemnity shall rest with the country to which the mailing office is subordinate. That coun- try can make 8. claim on the country responsible. that is to say, against the Administration on the territory or in the service of which the loss, rifling, or dam- age took place. 14. The country responsible for the loss, rifling, or damage and on whose account payment is made is bound to repay to the country making payment on its behalf, without delay and within not more than nine months after receiving notice of pay-ment, the am.ount of the indemmty paid. 15. Reinlburr.,ments for indem- nity from one ~ountry to the other shall be made on the gold basis. 16. Rep~yruents are to be made free of coat to the creditor coun- try by mep.IW of either a money order or e, <ira! t, in money valid in the cr-mto.. country, or by such otber mt:d.IlS as ma) be mu- t.ually agreed upon Ly corre- spondence. 17. Un";~ the contrary is proved, l'ef-J)()nsibility for a regis- tered or insured parcel rests with the country whl~h having received the parCel without mak- ing any observation and being furnished all necessary particu- lars for inquiry, is unable to show its proper disposition. 18. Responsibility for loss, ri- ~, or damage of a registered or msured parcel discovered by the receiving office of exchange at the time of opening the recep- tacles and duly notified to the dis.patching office of exchange by bulletin of verification, shall fall upon the administration to which the dispatching office of exchange ciones por cuenta del pais de destinaci6n, si dicho pais hubiere dejado pasar nueve meses despues de haber sido debidamente infor- mado aoorea de la demanda de indemnizaci6n, sin arreglar el asunto. 13. La obligaci6n de pagar Is indemnizaci6n recaera sobre el pais al cual esta subordinada la Oficina de dep6sito. Ese pais puede haoor un reclamo al pais responsable, 0 sea a aquel en cuyo territorio 0 en cUyQ ser- vicio la perdida, expoliaci6n 0 averla, ha oeurrido. Country responsible. 14. El pais responsable por la Repayment to conn- ~ did li'6 rl try which pays. p~r a,expoaCln0avoar por cuya cuenta se hubiere veTI- ficado el pago, estA obligado a reintegrar al pars que ha efec- tuado el pago por su cuenta, sin demora y dentro de un plazo que no exce:ia de nueve meses des- pues de recibida. la noticia __ del pago efectuado por ese concepto. 15. Los reembolsos correspon- go~b~~ent on dientes a indemnizaciones entre los parses han de vermcarse a base de oro. 16. Los reembolsos se haran Means to be wed. sin costo alguno al pais acreedor, bien sea por remesas en giros postales 0 por letras de cambio, por un valor en dinero que tuviere validez en el pars acreedor, o por Qtros medios que se acor- daren mutuamente por corres- pondencia. ~ 7. Hasta que no sepruebe 10 Responsibility of reo contrario, la responsabilidad por oelvlng o1lice. un paquete registrado 0 asegu- rado recae sobre el pais que habiendolo recibido sin que merezca lao menor observaci6n y que despu~ de habersele pro- p<'rcionado los datos necesarios para las investi~aciones, no pueda rodicar su propla disposici6n. 18. La responsabihdad por per- s~~:mt?'J=ce~ dida expoliaci6n 0 averla de un covtr.ed by recelviD& '. 01lice. paquete regIstrado 0 asegurado, comprobada por la Oficina recep- tora de cambio, 6n el momento de abrir los reoeptaculos y que Be hubiere notificado debidamente a 1ft. Oficina despachadora de cam- bio, por medio de un boletm de verificaci6n, recaera sobre la Ad-