Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/835

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CONOILIATION TREATY-POLAND. Auoutn' 16,1928. 2443 nature they may be, shall, when ordinary diplomatic proceedings have failed and the High Con- tracting Parties do not have re- course to adjudication by a compe- tent tribunal, be submitted for investigation and report to a per- manent International Commis- sion constituted in the manner prescribed in the next succeeding Article; and they agree not to de- clare war or begm hostilities dur- ing such investIgation and before the report is submitted. ARTICLE II The International Commission shall be composed of five mem- bers, to be appointed as follows: one member shall be chosen from each country, by the Government thereof; one member shall be chosen by each Government from some third country; the fifth member shall be chosen by com- mon agreement between the two Governments, it being under- stood that he shall not be a citizen of either country. The expenses of the .Ccmmis- sion shall be paid by the two Governments in equal propor- tions. The International Commission shall be appointed within six months after the exchange of ratifications of this treaty; and vacancies shall be filled accord- ing to the manner of the original appointment. ARTICLE ITI In case the High Contracting Parties shall have failed to ad- just a dispute by diplomatic methods, and they do not have re- course to adjudication by a com- petent tribunal, they shall at once refer it to the International Cown- mission for investigation and re- port. The International Com- mission may, however, spontane- ously by unanimous agTeement offer its services to that effect, and in such case it shall notify both Srodki dyplomatyczne zawiodl} a Wysokie Strony Umawiajl}ce si~ nie zwr6cl}. si~ 0 os~dzenie do kompetentnego trybunalu, b~dl} poddane, w celu zbadania ich i z 10 zen i a sprawozdania, stalej Komisji Mi~dzynarodowej, ut- worzonej w sposOb przepisany w nastfPuj~cym artykUle; przytem zobowillzuJt} si~ one nie wypo- wiadac wojny ani rozpoczynac krokow nieprzyjacielskich przez czas trwania takich badan i do- poki sprawozdanie nie zostanie zlozone. ARTYKUL II Komisl· a ?rIi~dzynarodowa b~d- ~n~rnational • • • • mISSion. Zle Sl~ sk adala z pl~ClU czlonk6w, Composition. mianowanych w sposOb nast~pu- jIlCY: kazdy Rzt}d wybierze jed- nego czloilka, pochodzt}cego z jego kraju i jednego pochodzq- cego z panstwa trzeciego, czlonek pillty b~dzie wybrany Za. obo- poInt} zgodt} olJu RZlldow z tem zastrzezeniem, ze nie b~dzie on obywatelem zadnego z tych panstw. Wydatki Komi~i b«:d~ pokry- w~ne przez oba Rzt}dy po polo- Wle. Komisja Mi~dzynarodowa b~d­ zie ustanowiona w ciqgu szeSciu miesi~cy, liczElc od daty wymiany ratyfikRcyj, a miejsca oproznione b~dt} zapelniane w taki sam spo- sob jak pierwiastkowa nominacja. ARTYKUL III Expenses. Appointment. Com- W . db Wk· Immediate reference raZle g y y y SOlm or disputes to the In- Stronom UmawiajElcym si~ nie ternstionsl Commis- udalo si~ zalatwic sporn zwyklemi sion. sposobami dyplomatycznemi i gdyby nie zwr6cily si~ one 0 oSlldZenie do trybunalu kompe- tentnego, winny one natychmiast odniesc si~ do Komisji Mi~dzy- narodowej 0 przeprowadzenie badan i zlozenie sprawozdanill. Komisja Mi~dzynarodowa moze jednak samorzutnie, ns. podsta- wie jednomyslnej zgody zaofiaro-