Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/867

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IMPORT AND EXPORT PROHIBITIONS. November 8, 1921. January 30, 1928. 2'415 effect to the provisions of the Convention. Article 14. The present Convention, of which the French e.nd English texts both authentic, shall bear this day's date. It shall be open for signature until January 1st, 1929, on behalf of any Member of the League of Nations or of any non-Member State represented at the Con- ference 'which drew up thiS Con- vention or to which the Council of the League of Nations shall, for this purpose, have .coinmuni- cated a copy of the present Con- vention. Members of the League of Nations and non-Member States on whose behalf the Conyention has been signed prior to February 1st, 1928, may avail themselves of the procedure referred to in Article 6, paragraph 4. Artwle 15. The present Convention shall be ratified. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the Secre- tary-General of the Leagu0 of Nations, who shall notify the receipt thereof tx> all Members of the League and to the non- Member States referred to in the previous article. Article 16. On and after January 1st, 1929, any Member of the League of Nations or any State referred to in Article 14 may accede to the present Convention. This accession shall be effected by a notification made to the Sec- retary-General of the League of Nations; to be deposited in the archives of the Secretariat. The Secretary-General shall at once notify such deposit to all who pour assurer l'exooutiOri des dia- positions de la Convention. Article 14. La presente Convention, dont t1~~etc.,ofCon... les textes fran~ai8 et Iknglais feront ~alement foi, portera Ii date de ce jour; Elle pourra ~tre sign~ jtiSqu.'ab si~~or a1IhiDg 1er janvier 1929, AU nom tl~ t6ut Membre de Ia Societa tl~ Natieils ou de tout Etat nun tneib~re represenM 1 18 Comerenee ~ui a etabli cette Cottfintiol1 ell • tout Etat a qui Ie COnseil de la SocieM des Nations aura, ,. ~t eBet, communique un exempla.i:M de la p~ente Convention. Les Membreg de Is Soci~~ dM Nations et lee Etats tton membres, au nom desqueis la ConTention aura 6te signee avant Ie 1er femer 1928, seront admis au benefice de 1a procedure prevue Ante, p. 2470. au paragtaphe 4: de l'article 6. Article 15. La presente Convention sera Ratiftcatlon. ratifiee. tes instruinents de rattiication Depoeit o~ In~trn- ments of ratificatIOn. seront deposes aupr&!, de Se~re- taire general de la Soci~te ties Nations, qui en notifiera Is r&~p­ tion a tous les Meinbres de Ia Societe, sinai ~u'au~ Etats non metnbres vises 8 l'artiele pr~e­ dent. Article 16. A partir du 1er janvier 1929, tout Membre de 18 8oci~te des Nations et tout Etat me a l'arti- cle 14 pourra adherer ala presente Convention. Cette adhesion s'effectuera par une notification fsite au Secre- taire g~neral de la Societe des Nations pour ~tre deposee dans les archives du Secretariat. Le Secretaire general notifiera co depot immediatement a tous les Acc.sIon. P..-ture for.