Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/885

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IMPORT AND EXPORT PROHIBITIONS. November 8. 1927. January 30. 1928. 2493 (c) ad No.2 . The High Contracting Parties declare that, by accepting in the case of Roumania, in considera- tion of her exceptional situation of fact and of law, the reserva- tion concerning crude oil in ac- cordance with Article 6, para- graph 2, they have not in any way agreed to measures of pro- hibition or restriction for this product, which they regard as being of very great importance for the world market. The High Contracting Parties feel confi- dent that, as soon as circum- stances allow her to do so, Rou- mania herself, acting in the spirit of the preceding paragraph (b) above, will abolish this prohibi- tion, and, in the meantime, that she will take into account the interests of the neighbouring con- tracting countries. The Roumanian Delegation fully associates itself with this declarh.tion. (d) ad No.4. (i) Scope oj the Pro'lYisWn. As regards paragraph 4, it is understood that any claims for exceptions which may be put forward after the date of the present Convention shall refer only to prohibitions or restric- tions in force on that same date. (ii) Procedure. 1. Any High Contracting Party may make known by a communi- cation addressed to the Secretary- General of the League of Nations any prohibitions or restrictions which he desires to be able to maintain in virtue of paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 6. Such c)adN°2. Les Hautes Parties contrac- Reservatio'o1 concern- Ing Roumaman crude tantes declarent qu'en acceptant oil. pour la Roumanie, et en consi- deration de sa situation exception- nelle de fait et de droit, la reserve du petrole brut en conformite du paragraphe 2 de l'article 6, Elles n'ont nullement donne leur ad- hesion it des mesures de prohibi- tion et de restriction de ce pro- duit, qu'elles considerent comme tres important pour Ie marche international. Les Hautefl Par- ties contractantes expriment leur confiance que la Roumanie elle- m~me, des que les circonstances Ie lui permettront, abolira cette prohibition, en se conformant a l'esprit du paragraphe b) ci-des- sus, et qu'elle tiendra compte, en attenaant, des inter~ts des pays voisins contractants. La Delegation roumaine s'as- socie completement a cette de- claration. I. Portee de la disposition. Pour l'application du para- Claims for excep- h'l d tlons. grap e 4, 1 est enten u que toute Ante, p. 2470 - dernande de derogations qui pourra ~tre presentee apres la date de 190 presente Convention, ne saurait porter que sur des prohibitions ou restrictions en vigueur it cette merne date. II. Procedure. 1. Chacune des Hautes Parties Procedure for maln- . • tenance of prohibitions, contractantes pourra farre con- etc. nnitre, par une communication adressee au Secretaire general de la Societe des Nations, les pro- hibitions ou restrictions qu'ElIe desire pouvoir maintenir en vertu des paragraphes 1 et 2 de l'article 6.