Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/888

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2496 IMPORT AND EXPORT PROHIBITIONS November 8.1927. • January 30, 102M . IN FAITH WHEREOF the Plenipo- tentiaries have signed the present Protocol. DONE at Geneva the eighth day of November, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven, in a single copy, which shall be de- posited in the archives of the Secretariat of the League of Na- tions, and of which authenticated copies shall be delivered to all Merubers of the League of N a- tions and non-Member States represented at the Conference EN FOI DE QUOI les pIenipo- tentiaires ont signe Ie present Protocole. FAIT a. Geneve, Ie huit no- vembre mil neu! cent vingt-sept,. en simple expedition qui sera deposee dans les archives du Secretariat de la Societe des N a- tions; copie conforme en sera transInise a. tous les Membres de la Societe des Nations et a. tous les Etats Don membres representes a. Is Conference. P~ro:~~ to the Allemagne Germany Dr. TRENDELENBURG Btats-Uni,s d'Amerique United States oj America Hugh R. WILSON Autriche Austria E. PFLti'GL Belgique Belgium J. BRUNET. F. VAN LANGENHOVE Grande-Bretagne et Irlande du lvord, ainsi que toutes parties de l'Empire britannique non membres separes de la Societe des Nations. Great Britain and Northern Ire- land, and those Parts oj the British Empire 1!1hich are not separate Membllrs oj the League oj Nations. Inde Bulgarie Chili I declare that my signature does not include any of His Britannic Majesty's colonies, protectorates or territories under suzeramty or mandate 1 S. J. CHAPMAN Under the terms of Article 10 of the Convention I declare that my signature does not include the ter- ritories in India of any Prince or Chief under Suzerainty of His Majesty 2 Atul C CHATTEHJEE. Prof. Georges DANAYLLOW E. VILLEGAS Traduction du Secr~tariat de la Societ~ des N ation8: India Bulgaria Chile 1 Je declare que ma signature ne couvre pas les colonies, protectorats ou terri- toires places sous la suzerainete ou Ie mandat de Sa Majeste hritannique. 2 Conformement aux termes de l'article 10, je declare que ma signature n'engnge pas les territoires de l'Inde appartenant a un prince ou chef place sous la suze- rainete de Sa. Majeste britannique.