Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/913

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IMPORT AXD EXPORT PROHIBITIOXS. ~oypmher S, H):!7. Jnuuary ;{O. H)2~. 2521 tions and to any non-Member States to which the Council of the League of Nations shall have communicated a copy of the Con- vention of November 8th, 1927. aura communique un exemplairo . !,iltnntures-Cou· tlDued. de la Convention du 8 novembre 1927. Allt3mngne Germany Adolf REINSHAGEN. Autriche Austria Dr. GRUNBERGER. Belgique Belgium J. BRUNET. Grande-Bretagne Great Britain I declare that my signature does not include any of His Britannic .Majesty's ColoniE's, Prc- tectorates or territories under suzerainty or mandate. 1 S. J. CHAPMAN. Danemark Denmark BOECK. Etats- Unis d l Amerique United States oj America Charles E. LYON. France France P. ELBEL . Hongrie Hungary NICKL. Ita tie Italy G. :MANZONI. 2 {Traduction] 1 Je declare que ma signature ne couvre pas les colonies on territoires places BOUS 180 suzerainete ou Ie mandat de Sa Majeste Britannique. 2 Au moment de proceder a. la sig- At the time of signing the Protocol, nature du Protocole, Son Excellence His Excellency the Royal Italian Am- I'Ambassadeur Royal d'Italie a. Paris a bassador in Paris deposited with the depose au Secretariat de la Societe des Secretariat of the League of Nations Nations la declaration suivante qui doit the following declaration which must ~tre cOllsideree comme accompagnant be considered as accompanying the lasignatureapposeeparluiauProtocole: signature affixed by him on the said Protocol: "Con la apposta firma in suo nome, il Regio Governo Italiano intende impegnarsi a mettere in vigore la Convenzione subordinatamente al verificarsi delle condizioni previste dal presente protocollo non che della condizione previst.a all' articolo C. dell' Accordo cOllplementare e cioe che almeno diciotto Stati ratificanti diano cffettiva applicazione alla Convenzione a partire dal primo luglio 1930." ITraduction] [Translation1 Par la signature apposee en son nom, Ie Gouvernemen'~ Royal Italien s'engage a. mettre en vigueur la Convention, BOUS reserve de la realisation des con- ditions prevues par Ie present Protocole ainsi que de la condition prevue a l'article C de I' Accord complementaire, a savoir que dix-huit au moins des Etat.s ayant ratifiC la Convention l'appliquent effectivement a partir du Ie. juillet 1930. "In thus affixing its signature, the Royal Italian Government undertakes to put the Convention into force pro- vided the conditions laid down in the present Protocol are fulfilled, as well as the condition specified in Article C of the Supplementary Agreem~nt, namely that eighteen States at least which have ratifi~d the Convention should apply it effectively as from July 1st, 1930."