Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/964

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2572 UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION. June 28,1929. Changes to be I~ Las taxes choisies doivent, &u- ~~rar:pori.IOn f. , tant que possible, ~tre entre elles Postcards. dans les m~mes proportions <Iua les taxes de ba~e, chaque Office ayant 1& faculte d'&rrondir ses taxes suivant les convenances de son sys~me monetaire. 2. - n est loisible a ch&que pays de reduire a 10 centimes 180 taxe de 180 carte postale simple et a 2n centimes celle de 1& carte postale avec reponse payee. Unpe1d or deficient 3. - Le tarif adopte par un pays postage. S'&pplique aux taxes a percevoir a l'arrivee par suite d'absence ou d'insuffisance d'affranchissement. Mailing correspond- ence In another coun- try. Measures to bar. etc. Authority. III. DepOt de correspondances a l'etranger. Aucun pays n'est tenu d'erpe- dier, ni de distribuer aux destina- taires, les envois que des expUi- teurs quelconques domicilies' sur son territoire deposent ou font deposer d4ns un pays etranger en vue tk des taxes plus basse8 q:ui y sont &ablies. La regle s'appliq:ue sans distinction, soit aux envois prepares d4ns le pays halrite par l'erpUiteur et tra~ortes ensuite a travers la front~ere, soU aux envois oonfec- tionnes d4ns un ]X1:ys etrange,r. L'Administration ",ntere8see a le droit, ou tk renvoyer les objets en g,uestion a l'origine, ou.. tk les Jmpper de Se8 taxes interieures. Les modalites d.e la perception des taxes som laissees d son choix. IV. Avoirdupois ounce. Once avoirdupois. Optional use. n est admis, par mesure d'ex- ception, que les pays qui, a cause de leur regime interieur, ne peu- vent adopter Ie type de poids decimal metrique, ont 1& faculte d'y substituer ronce avo~kris (28,3465 gra.mmes) en ass· . ant une once a 20 grammes pour les lettres et 2 onces a 50 ~a.mmes pour les papiers d'affaires, im- primes, 6chantillons et pet'its pa- quets. The rates chosen shall, as far as possible, be in the same propor- tion as the basic rates, each Ad- ministration having the option of roundin~ off its rates to suit the converuences of its monetary system. 2. It is permissible for each country to reduce the posta~e on single post cards to 10 centunes, and that on reply post cards to 20 centimes. 3. The rates of postage adopted by a country are applicable to the charges to be collected upon ar- rival as a result of absence or insufficiency of prepayment. III Mailing of correspondence in another country No country is bound to dis- patch or deliver to addressees articles which any senders domi- ciled on its territory mail or cause to be mailed in a foreign country with a view to profiting by lower rates which are established there. The rule applies, without dis- tinction, either to articles pre- pared in the country inhabited by the sender and transported subse- quently across the border, or to articles prepared in a foreign country. The Administration concerned has the right either to return the articles in question to origin or to charge them with its domestic postage rates. The methods of collectin~ the charges are left to its discretlOn. IV Avoirdupois ounce Itis admitted, as an exceptional measure, that countries which, on account of their domestic legisla- tion, can not adopt the decimal metric system as & standard of weight, have the option of sub, stituting for the avoirdupois ounce (28.3465 it grams), assimilating one ounce to 20 grams for letters and 2 ounces to 50 grams for com- mercial papers prints, samples and small packets.