Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1046

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1 022 72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 127 . FEB RUA RY 27, 1933 . directing all persons interested in said matter to appear before the court, at a time and place specified, not less than four or more than eight weeks from the time of making such order, to show cause why Publi cation . the application for change of name should not be granted . A copy of the order to show cause shall be posted by the clerk of the court in three of the most public places in the division in which the court Proof thereof . is held, for a period of four successive weeks. Pro of m ust be m ade to the satisfaction of the court, of such posting, at the time of the hearing of the application . ESTATES OF DE- CEDENTS . Jurisdiction of dis- SEC. 656. JURISDICTION OF DISTRICT COURT OVER THE ESTATE, WHEN trict court over .

ExERCISED.-Wills must be prove d, an d lett ers t estam entary or of administration granted- 1 . In the division of the district court of which the decedent was a resi dent at the time of his death, i n whatev er place he may have died ; 2 . In the division in which the decedent may have died, leaving estate therein, he not being a resident of the Canal Zone ; 3 . In the division in which any part of the estate may be, the decedent having died out of the Canal Zone, and not resident thereof at the time of his death ; 4 . In the division in which any part of the estate may be, the decedent not being a resident of the Canal Zone, and not leaving estate in the division in which he died ; 5 . In all other cases, in the division where application for letters is f irst made Probate matters Provided, houvver, That all matters of probate handled by the handled by public public administrator may be conducted in the Balboa division, administrator.

regard less of the resi dence of the dec edent or the loc ation of the estate. Jurisdiction decided by application .

SEC. 657. WHEN JURISDICTION OF DISTRICT COURT OVE R EST AT ES . DECIDED BY FIRST APPLICATION .-When the estate of the decedent is in more than one division, he having died out of the Canal Zone, and not having been a resident thereof at the time of his death, or being such no nresiden t, and d ying wit hin the Canal Zo ne, and not leav ing estate in the division where he died, the division of the district court in which application is first made for letters testamentary or of administration, has exclusive jurisdiction of the settlement of the estate . PROBATE OF WILLS . CH AP TER 23 .-,JURISDICTION OF DISTRICT COURT OVER ESTATES OF DECEDENTS CHA PTER 24 .- PROBATE OF WILLS Petition, notice, and



l PEN- wi ll l Custodian to deliver iv

SEc' 658 . CUSTODIAN OF WILL TO DELIVER SAM E TO WHOM ; PEN- ALTY.-Every custodian of a will, within thirty days after receipt of information that the maker thereof is dead, must deliver the same to the division of the district court having Jurisdiction of the estate, Penalty on failure . or to the executor named therein . A failure to comply with the provisions of this section makes the person failing responsible for all damages sustained by anyone injured thereby . t Petition for probate . SEC . 659. WHO MAY PETITION FOR PR OBATE OF WILL.-Any executor devisee, or legatee named in any will, or any other person interested in the estate, may , at any time after the death of the testator, petition he division of the court having j urisdiction to have the will proved, whether the same be in writing, in his possession or not, or is lost or