Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1103

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 127. FEBRUARY 27, 1933 . Such appointment may be made on the petition of a relative or By Petition. other perso n on behal f of the m inor, or on the peti tion of the min or, if fourteen years of age . NOTICE OF PROCEEDINGS.-Before ma king such appoi ntmen t, the Notice . court must caus e suc h not ice as suc h cou rt de ems r eason able to be giv en to any person having the ca re of su ch minor, and to suc h rel a- tives of the minor residing in the Canal Zone as the court may deem proper . In all cases notice must be given to the parents of the minor or pro of ma de to the court that thei r add resse s are unkn own, or th at, for other reason, such notice can not be given . TEMPORARY CUSTODY PENDING PROCEEDINGS .-In all such proce eding s, Tempor ary cu stody . whe n it ap pea rs to the satisfaction of the court, either f rom a verified petition, or from affidavits, that the welfare of the minor will be imperiled if such minor is allowed to remain in the custody of the person then having the ca re of su ch minor, the court may make an order providing for the temporary custody of such minor until a hearing can be had on s uch petition . PROCEEDINGS WH ERE MINOR LIABLE TO BE CARRIED OUT OF CANAL When danger of re- moval from jurisdic- zoNE .-And when it appears to the court that there is reason to tion, etc . believe that such minor will be carried out of the jurisdiction of the court before which the application is made, or will suffer some irrep- arabl e inj ury b efore comp lianc e wit h suc h ord er pr ovidi ng for the temporary custody of such minor can be enforced, such court may at the time of making such order providing for the temporary custody of such minor cause a warrant to be issued, reciting the facts, and d irect ed to the marsh al, c omman ding such offic er to take such minor from the custody of the person in whose care such minor then is and place such minor in custody in accordance with the order of the court . SEC. 956. WH EN MINOR MAY NOMINATE GUARDIAN WHEN NOT.-If by Ian


of rd the minor is und er the age of fourteen years, the court may nominate and appoint his guardian . If he is four teen years of a ge, he may nominate his own guardian, who, if approved by the court, mu st be ap oi nted accor dingl y . EC. 957. WHEN APPOINTMENT MAY BE MADE BY COURT, WHEN By court MINOR Is OVER FOURTEEN.-If the gua rdian nomi nated by the mi nor is not approved by the court, or if the minor resides out of the Canal Zone, or if, after being duly cited by the court, he neglects for ten da ys to nominate a suitable person, the court or judge may nominate and appoint the guardian in the same manner as if the minor wer e und er the age of fourteen years . SEC . 95 8. NOMINATION BY MINORS AFTER ARRIVING AT FOURTEEN .- nor wh Nomination by mi- hen reaching tour- When a gua rdian has been appoi nted by the cou rt for a m inor under teen years of age . the age of fourteen years, the minor, at any time after he attains th at age, may nominate his own guardian, subject to the approval of the court . SEC. 959 . WHO MAY BE GUARDIAN ; MARRIAGE OF GUARDIAN DOES NOT ian Who may be guard- AFFECT GUARDIANSFIIP .-The father or the mother of a minor child under the age of fourteen years, if found by the court competent to discharge the duties of guardianship, is entitled ro be appointed a guardian of such minor child, in preference to any other person . The person nominated by a minor of the age of fourteen years as his guardian, wh et her married or unm ar rie d, ma y, if found by the court competent to discharge the duties of guardianship, be appointed as su ch guardian . The authority of a guardian is not extinguished Au thorit y not e xtin- guished by marriage nor affected by the marriage of the guardian . SEC. 960 . POWERS AND DUTIES OF GUARDIAN .-Every guardian Powers and duties . appoi nted has the cu stody and care of the edu catio n of the m inor, and the care and management of his estate, until such minor arrives at 1079