Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/114

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90 Application of delin- quent owners for exten- sion . Vol. 40, p. 433. Part paym ent to ac- company. Payment Q balance . 1 Provisos. Cancellation upo n failure to p ay install- ment . Payment of balance. Monthly payments for mine d co al and asphalt . Examination of rec- ords of operation . Rules and regula- tions . Provisos . Disposition of forfeit- ed or canceled tracts. Right to dispose of deposits not affected. 72c1 CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 124. APRIL 21, 1932 . SEC . 4 . That within thirty days from the approval of this Act any person owing a balance on any tract of the tribal coal and asphalt deposits, purchased under the Act of February 8, 1918 (40 Stat. L . 433), as amended by subsequent Acts, may make application to the Se cretary o f the Int erior for an exten sion of t ime withi n which to pay his balance, which application must be accompanied by 10 per centum of such balance, including principal and interest . U pon approval of such application • by the Secretary of the Interior such purchaser may be allowed five years from May 25, 1932, to pay the remaining 90 per centum of the amount due by him, said balance to be paid annually in five equal installments, the first installment to be due and payable one year from May 25, 1932, and subsequent installments to be due and payable on or before May 25 of each year thereafter, all deferred payments to bear interest at 6 per centum per annum : Provided, That upon failure of a purchaser to pay any installment for a period of sixty days from the due date, the Secre- tary of the I nterio r shal l canc el the sale, whereu pon al l paym ents theretofore made thereon shall be forfeited to the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations : , Provided further, That a purchaser may pay the entire balance due on any purchase at the time of payment of any installment, and thereupon be entitled to a patent as authorized by the statutes providing for the sale of said mineral deposits . SE o. 5 . That the purchaser of any tract on which coal or asphalt is mined shall pay each month to the Superintendent for the Five Civilized Tribes, or such other officer as may be designated by the Secretary of the Interior, a sum equal to not less than 15 cents per ton mine run for coal mined, and not less than 10 cents per ton on crude, and 60 cents per ton on refined asphalt mined, such payments to be applied on request of the purchaser on any installment of the purchase price when due . SEC . 6. The Choctaw and Chickasaw mining trustee, or any other official designated by the Secretary of the Interior, shall have the right to examine all records of operations of any purchaser on a purchased tract ; and all payments on monthly output shall be under oath to the S uperin tenden t of t he Fiv e Civil ized T ribes, the s ame as payments made by lessees of unsold tracts . SEO . 7. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to perform any and all acts and to make such rules and regulations not inconsistent with this Act as may be deemed necessary and proper for the protection of the interests of said nations and for the purpose of carrying the provisions of this Act into full force andp effect : Provided, That up on the expir ation of any devel oped le ase, i f the lessee th ereof sha ll not ap ply for i ts renewa l, or if the sale of any coal or asphalt tract upon which operations have begun shall be forfeited and canceled, the Secretary of the Interior is hereby author- ized to take possession of said expired lease or canceled tract and dispose of the same under the provisions of this Act, or take what- ever steps may be necessary to preserve and protect such property Provided further, That nothing in this Act shall be construed or held to affect in any way the right to dispose of the coal and asphalt deposits of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations by sale as now authori zed by law . Approved, April 21, - 1932 .