Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1177

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72d CONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 128 . F EBRUARY 27, 1933. CROS S REF EREN CES Accession to personal property, see sections 250 to 258 . Chosen in action, see sections 238 and 239 . Confusion of goods, see sections 250 to 258 . Law governing, see section 237 . Modes of ac quisition of, see section 247 . Products of mind, see sections 240 to 245. C HAP TER 13 .-OWNERS OF PROPERTY SEC. 190 . OWNER.-All property has an owner, whether that owner is the government, and the property public, or the owne r an individual, and the property private . SEC. 191 . WI lD MAY OWN PROPERTY .-Any person, whether citizen or alien, may take, hold, and dispose of property within the Canal Zone . CR OSS REFER ENCE Aliens, right to inherit p roperty, see sect ion 420 . SEC. 192 . ALIENS INHERITING MUST CLAIM WITHIN FIVE YEARS .-If a nonresident alien takes by succession, he must appear and claim the property within five years from the time of succession, or be bar red . The property in such case is disposed of as p rovide d ~r sections 648 et seq ., of the Code of Civil Procedure. CROSS REFERENCE When and how aliens may inherit, see section 420. CHAPTER 14.-MODIFICATIONS OF OWNERSHIP INTERESTS IN PR OPERTY SEC TION 193 . OWNERSHIP, ABSOLUiJ OR QUALIFIED.-The ow ners hip of property is either : 1. Absolute ; or, 2. Qualified . SEC . 194 . WHEN ABS OLu 'u .-The ownersh ip of propert y is ab so- lute when a single person has the absolute dominion over it, and may use it or dispose of it according to his pleasure, subject only to general laws . CROSS REFERENCES Ownersh ip in what p roperty may exist, see se ctions 183 a nd 184 . Ownersh ip, terminat ion of, see sections 231 et seq. Perpetual interest defined, see section 206 . SEC . 195 . WHEN QUALIFIED .-T he own ers hip of property is qualified 1. When it is shared with one or more persons ; 2. When the time of enjoyment is deferred or limited ; 3. When the use is restricted . SEC. 196 . SEVERAL OWNERSHIP, WHAT .-The ownership of property by a single person is designated as a sole or several ownership . SEC. 197 . OWNERSHIP OF SEVERAL PERSONS.-The ownership of property by several persons is either 1. Of joint interests ; 2 . O f partnership interests ; 3. Of interests in common ; 4. Of community interest of husband and wife . 3051„-33 73 Post, p . 1160. Post, p . 1158. Post, p . 1160. Post, p . 1158. Post, p . 1159 . Post, p . 1158 . OWNERS OF PROP ERT Y. Owner. Who may own. Post, p . 1181. Aliens inheriting . Post, p . 1181 . MOD IF ICA TI ONS OF OWNERSHIP . Own ers hip . When absolute . 1153 Ante, p . 1152. Post, p. 1157. Post, p. 1154.

I When qualified .

I i i Sole ownership.

I Ownership by severs persons.