Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1180

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1156 Poet, p° 1183. Poet, p° 1184. Restraining mar- riage, void . Restraining aliena- tion, void. Restraints upon alienation . SEC . 221 . CONDITIONS RESTRAINING ALIENATION VOID . Con di tio ns restraining alienation, when repugnant to the interest created, are void . CROSS REFERENCE ° Restraints upon alienation, see section 222 . RESTRAINTS UPON ALIENATION SEC . 222. RESTRAINTS UPON ALIENATION .--The abso lute powe r of alienation can not be suspended, by any limitation or condition what- ever, for a longer perio d than as fo llows : 1. During; the continuance of the lives of persons in being at the c reation of t he limitation or condition ; or 2. For a period not to exceed twenty five years from the time of the creation of the suspension . Puturointerestsvoid, SEC. 223. FUTURE INTERESTS VOID. WHICH SUSPEND POWER OF ALIENA- v: ric h suspond power ofa henat ion .

TI O N .-Eve ry future interest i s void in its creat ion which, by any possibility, may suspend the absolute power of alienation for a longer period than is prescribe d in this ch apter . Such power of alienation is suspended when there are no persons in beine by whom an absolute interest in possession can be conveyed . Accumulations.

ACCUMULATIONb Disposition of in- SEC . 224 . DISPOSITIONS of INCOME .--D1spOSltlOlls of the income of come: property to accrue and to be received at any time subsequent to the execution of the instrument creating such disposition, are governed by the rules prescribed in this chapter in relation to future interests . When void- SEC. 225. ACCUMULATIONS, WHEN VOID .-All directions for the accumulation of the income of property, except such as are all owed by this chapter, are void . Accumulations of ia- SEC . 226 . ACCUMULATION OF INCOME .-An accumulation of the come, income of property, for the benefit of one or more persons, may be dire cte d by any will or transfer in writing sufficient to pass the property out of which the fund is to arise, as follows 1 . If such accumulation is directed to commence on the creation of the interest out of which the income is to arise, it must be made for the benefit of one or more minors then in being, and terminate at the expiration of their minority ; or, 2. If such accumulation is directed to commence at any time subse- quent to the creation of the interest out of which the income is to arise, it must commence within the time in this chapter permitted for the vesting of future interests, and during the minority of the beneficiaries, and terminate at the expiration of such minority. CROSS REP'ExxNOEs Poet, pp . 1178, 1177.

Annuities and request of income, see sections 383' (3) and 391 . Poet, p. 1187 .

Ownership of undisposed accumulations, see section 230 . 72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 128 . FEBRUARY 27, 1933. CROSS R EFERENOE :. Conditions precedent, see section 432 . Unlawful conditions void, see section 437 . SEC, 220. CONDITIONS RESTRAINING MARRIAGE V O I D :Conditions imposing restraints upon marriage, except upon the marriage ofa minor, are void ; but this does not affect limitations where the intent was not to forbid marriage, but only to give the use until marriage . CR OSS REF EREN CE Poet . p.120L

Contracts is restraint of marriage, see section 678 . 1 So in originate