Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/119

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 125. APRIL 22, 1932 .

95 For lease, purchase, repair, and improvement of agency buildings Agency buildings. ~ ~ l,e w, purch ase, re- exclusive of hospital buildings, including the purchase of necessary pair, etc . lands and the install ation, repair, and impro vement of heating, lighting, power, and sewerage and water systems in connection there- with, $165,000 ; for construction of physical improvements, exclusive Proviso. of hospitals, $30,000 ; in all, $195,000 : Provided, That not more than Limitation . $7,500 shall be expended for new construction at any one agency . Not to exceed $200,000 of applicable appropriations made herein vehicles . for the Bureau of Indian Affairs shall be available for the main- ~ ia1OLC1lonCe. tenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled and horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicles for the use of superintendents, farmers, physicians, field matrons, allotting, irrigation, and other employees in the Indian field service : Provided, That not to exceed $1,000 may be Purchase limited . used in the purchase of horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicles, and not exceed 1 $100,000 for the purchase and exchange of motor-pro- pelled passenger-carrying vehicles, and that such vehicles- shall be used only for official service .

Emergency allow- That to meet possible emergencies not exceeding $75,000 of the ance by diversions from appropriations made by this Act for support of reservation and non- ij nstned appropria- reser vatio n scho ols, for s chool and a gency buil dings, and for c on- servation of health among Indians shall be available, upon approval of the Secretary of the Interior, for replacing any buildings, equip- ment, supplies, livestock, or other property of those activities of the Indian Service above referred to which may be destroyed or rendered unserviceable by fire, flood, or storm : Provided, That the limitations Pr oi Provisos . Buing construe- for new construction contained in the appropr iations for Indian tionallowed n school, agency, and hospital buildings shall not apply to such emer- gency expenditures : Provided further, That any diversions of appro- Report to Congress . riations made hereunder shall be reported to Congress in the annual udget.

Att endance at meet- Not to exceed $10,000 shall be available from applicable funds tngs . for expenses (not membership fees) of employees of the Indian Service when authorized by the Secretary of the Interior to attend meetings of medical, health, educational, agricultural, forestry, engi- neering, and industrial associations in the interest of work among the Indians . I go in original . EX PEN SES IN PR OBA TE MAT TER S Probate matters. For the purpose of determining the heirs of deceased Indian Determining heirs of allottees having right, title, or interest in any trust or restricted allo ttees. prop erty , un der reg ulat ions pre scri bed by the Secretary of the Interior, $60,000, reimbursable as provided by existing law, of which $13,250 shall be available for personal services in the District of tr,S ervices in the Dl s- Columbia : Provided, That the provisions of this paragraph shall Tinisexcepted . not a pply to the Osag e Ind ians nor to the Five Civili zed T ribes of Oklahoma. For salaries and expenses of such attorneys and other employees and Fiv Q e Civilized Tribes uapawsa as the Secretary of the Interior may, in his discretion, deem necessary Attorney s, etc., for . in probate matters affecting restricted allottees or their heirs in the Five Civilized Tribes and in the several tribes of the Quapaw Agen cy, a nd for the costs and other neces sary expens es in ciden t to suits instituted or conducted by such attorneys, $30,000 : Provided, Restricted to civil That no part of this appropriation shall be available for the payment Service eligibles, of attorneys or other employees unless appointed after a competitive examination by the Civil Service Commission and from an eligible list furnished by such commission .