Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1250

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 12 8. FEB RUAR Y 27, 1933. DEPOSIT IN GE NERAL . Nature and creation of . Kinds of. CROSSREFERENCES Post, p. 1232.

Common carriers, see sections 885 et seq . Deposit for exchange, see section 704 . Post, p .1229.

Deposit for hire, see sections 724 et seq . Post, p . 1228.

Deposit for keeping, see sections 712 et seq . Post, p .1229 .

Gratuitous deposit, and incidents, see sections 720 et seq. Post, p . 1245.

Hiring, see se ctions 824 et seq . Post, p . 1240.

Innkeepers, see sections 785 and 786 . Post, p .1243 .

Loan for exchange, see section 810 . Post, p .1242 .

Loan for use, see sections 797 et seq . Post, p .1244 .

Loan of money, see section 815 . Post, p .1303 .

Pledge, see sections 1367 et seq . Voluntary deposit . SEC . 700 . VOLUNTARY DEPOSIT, HOW MADE .-A voluntary deposit is made b y one givin g to another, wi th his c onse nt, the poss ess ion of personal property to keep for the benefit of the former, or of a third party. The person giving is called the depositor, and the person receiving the depositary . CROSS REFERENCES Post, p .1241 . Post, p . 1227. Involuntary deposit . m ista ke, or othe r in vali dat ing cause, shall continue to apply to conditional sales . CHAPTER 36.-DEPOSIT IN GENERAL NATURE AND CREATION OF DEPOSIT Sic . 699 . DEPOSIT, KINDS OF .-A deposit may be voluntary or in- voluntary ; and for safe-keeping or for exchange . Finder of lost articles, see sections 787 et se q. Obligations of depositary, see sections 705 et seq. SEC . 701 . INVO LUNT ARY DEPOSIT, HOW MADE .-An invo~iintary deposit is made 1. By the accidental leaving or placing of per sona l pr ope rty in the possess ion of any person, without negligence on the part of its owner ; or, 2. In cases of fire, shipwreck, inundation, insurrection, riot, or like extraordina ry emergencies, by the owne r of personal property com- mit ting it, out of nec essi ty, to the care of any person . Cross RE-sarNCEs Post, p. 1229.

Degree of care requisite, see section 722 . Post, p. 1229.

Duties of depositary, when cease, see section 723. Involuntary deposit in cases of emergency must be accepted, see section 702 . Post, p .1229.

Involuntary deposit is gratuitous, see section 721 . Duty of Involuntary S EC. 702, DUTY OF INVOLUNTARY D EPOSITARY .-T he person with fepositary . whom a thing is deposited in the manner described in section 701 is bo und to ta ke charge of it, if ab le to do so. Dep osit for kee ping .

SEC . 70 3. DEPOSIT FOR KEEPING, WHAT .- A de posi t for k eepi ng is one in which the depositary is bound to retur n the identical thing deposited . Cross Ri>EENOH Post, P .1228.

Deposit for keeping, see sections 712 et seq . For exchange . SEC . 704 . DEPO SIT FOR EXCHANG E, WHAT A deposit for exchange . is one in which the depositary is only bound to return a thing c orre- sponding in kind to that which is deposited.