Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1259

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lie n upo n goo ds (a) By surrendering possession thereof ; or (b) By refusing to deliver the goods when a demand is made wit h whi ch he is bound to comply und er the pro vi sio ns of this subchapter . SEC . 756 . NEGOTIABLE REC EI PT MU ST ST ATE CHARGES FOR WHICH LIEN Negotiable re cei pt is CLAIMED .-If a negotiable receipt is issued for goods, the ware- wnc h enis charges mea.O1 houseman shall ha ve no lien thereon, except for charges for storage of th ose g oods subse quent , to the d ate of the rece ipt, unles s the recei pt ex press ly en umera tes o ther charg es for whi ch a lien is claimed . In s uch c ase there sha ll be a li en for the charges enumer- ated so far as they are w ithin the terms of s ectio n 753 , alt hough Ante, p . 1234. the am ount of the cha rges so en umera ted is not stat ed in the recei pt . SEC . 757 . WAREHOUSEMAN NEED NOT DELIVER UNTIL LIEN IS SATIS- Delivery not re FIED .-A warehouseman having a lien valid against the person de- Sod d until lien satin manding the goods may refuse to deliver the goods to him until the lien is satisfied . SE C. 758 . WAREHOUSEMAN ' S LIEN DOES NOT PRECLUDE OTHER RE M- Li en do es not pre . EDIES .-Whether a warehouseman has or has not a lien upon the cludeotherremediest goods, he is entitled to all remedies allowed by law to a creditor against his debtor for the collection from the depositor of all charges and advances wh ich the depositor has expressly or impliedly con - tra ct ed wi th the warehouseman to pay . SEC. 759. SATISFACTION O F L IE N BY S AL E .-A wareh ousem an's lien sale tisfa ctien otlie nby for a claim which has become due may be satisfied as follows : The warehouseman sh all g ive a wr it ten notice to the person on wh ose Notice to interests

account the goods are held, and to any other person known by the parties . wareh ousem an to clai m an inter est in the goods . Such notic e sha ll be given by delivery in person or by registered letter addressed to the last known place of business or abode of the person to be notified . The notice shall contain :

contents . (a) An itemized statement of the warehouseman's claim, sho wi ng the sum due at the time of the notice and the date or dates wh en it became due ; (b) A brief description of the goods against which the lien exists ; (c) A deman d tha t the amou nt of the claim as s tated in the no tice, and of such further claim as shall accrue, shall be paid on or before a day mentioned, not less than ten da ys fr om the delivery of the notice if it is personally delivered, or from the time when the notice should reach its destination, according to the due course of post, if the notice is sent by mail

and (d) A statement that unless the claim is paid within the time specified the goods wi ll be advertised for sale and sold by auction at a specified ti me and place . In accordance with the terms of a notice so given, a sale of the At auction. goods by auction may be had to satisfy any valid claim df the ware- houseman for which he has a lien on the goods . The sale shall be had in the place where the lien was acquired, or, if su ch a pla ce is mani festl y uns uitab le for the purp ose, at the nea rest suita ble place . 72d CONGRESS . SESS . II. CII . 128 . F EBRUA RY 27, 193 3. 1235 (a) Against all goods, whenever deposited, belonging to the per- son who is liab le as debt or for the clai ms in rega rd to whic h the lien is asserted ; and (b) Against all goods belonging to others which have been de- posit ed at any time by the per son who is liab le as debt or for the claims in regard to which the lien is asserted, if such person had bee n so intrusted wi th the possession of the goo ds th at a pledge of the sam e by him at the time of the de posit to one who too k the goods in good faith for value would have been valid . SEC. 755 . HOW THE LI EN MAY BE LOST .-A w areho usema n los es his „"„ -