Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1282

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1258 CROSS REFERENCES Ante, p .1258.

Contract limiting lo ss where value not declared, see section 964. Ante. p • 12 88

Letters or packages containing valuables, liability for loss of, see section 965. Delivery of freig ht SEC. 979 . DFr

Y OF FREIGHT BEYOND USUAL ROUTE .-If a corn - 'ona usual route' mon carrier accepts freight for a place beyond his usual route, he mus t, unless he st ipu la tes otherwise, del iv er it at the end of his route in th at direction to so me other competent carrier car ry ing to the lac e of address, or connected wit h tho se who thu s carry, and his ability ceases upon making such delivery . CROSS R

xcn Ante, p• 1254.

Delivery, in general, see section 900 . Proofincaseofloss . SEC. 980. PROOF To BE GIVEN IN CA SE OF Loss .-If freight addressed to a pla ce beyond the usual ro ute of the common ca rri er who fir st received it is lost or injured, he must, within a reasonable time after dem an d, gi ve satisfactory proof to the consignor t hat the lo ss or injury did not occur while it was in his charge, or he will be himself liable therefor . C$rrier's services t her carriaged SEC . 981. C ARRBR 's SERVICES OTHER THAN CARRIAGE AND DELIVERY : o

tha n


f delivery . In res pect to any ser vice rende red by a c ommon carr ier a bout freig ht, other than its carriage and delivery, his rights and obligations are defined by the chapters on deposit and the chapters on service . Ante, p . 1228. Ante, p .1247 . TRU STS IN GEN- ERAL. 72d CONG RESS . SESS . II. CH. 128 . FEBRUARY 27, 1933 . CROSS REFERENCES Deposit, see sections 690 et seq. Service, 'see sections 841 et seq. CHAPTER 49 .-TRUSTS IN GENERAL . NATURE AND CREATION OF A TRUST Nature and crea- tion. Trusts ~~

SEC : 986 . TRUSTS CLASSIFIED.-A trust is either 1. Voluntary, or 2. Involuntary . Voluntary . SEC . 987 . VOLUNTARY TRUST, WHAT.-A voluntary trust is an obli- gation arising out of a personal confidence reposed in, and volun- tarily accepted by, one for the benefit of another . Involuntary .

SEC . 988. INVOLUNTARY TRUST, WHAT :An involuntary trust is one which is created by operation of law . CROSS R

lWE Post, pp. 1259.1261.

Involuntary trust, see sections 994, 995 , and 1008. Parties . SEC . 989. PARTIES To 'ri CONTRACT .-The person whose confidence creates a trust is called the trustor ; the p erson in w hom the co nfi- dence is reposed is called the trustee ; and the person for whose wh at

benefit the trust is created is called the beneficiary . 0 constitutesonetrustee . SEC. 990. WHAT CONSTITUTES ONE A TRUBTEE .-liveryOne who volun- tarily assumes a relation of personal confidence with another is deemed a trustee, within the meaning of this chapter, not only as to the pe rson who r epose s suc h con fiden ce, but al so as to all pe rsons of whose affairs he thus acquires information which vas given to such person in the li ke co nfide nce, or ov er wh ose a ffair s he, by s uch c on- fidence, obtains any control. For what purpose maybecreated a SEC . 991 . FOR W HAT PU RPOSE A T RUST MAY BE CREAT ED . -A tr ust trust

. may be created for any purpose for which a contract may lawfully be made, except as otherwise prescribed by the chapter on transfer of'- prope rty .