Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1386

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13,62 Botanic Garden. Director, and per- son nel . Proviso . Quarters, etc ., al- lowed direct or . Vol.45,p. 193. U.S.C.,p.30. Maintenance, re- pairs, etc. Mi nor purchases with out adver tisi ng . R .S, sec. 3709, p 733. U.S. C.,p. 1309. Congressional dis- tribution of shrubbery, etc ., discontinued . Library of Congress . 72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 134.. FEBRUARY 28, 1933 . BOT ANIC G ARDEN Salaries : For the director and other personal services, $85,000 ; all under the direction of the Joint Committee on the Libra ry Provided, That the quarters, heat, light, fuel, and telephone service heretofo re furni shed for the dir ector's use in th e Botani c Garden shall not be regarded as a part of his salary or compensation, and such all owances may cont inue to be so fu rnished w ithout d eduction from his salary or compe nsation notwiths tanding t he provi sions of section 3 of the Act of March 5, 1928 (U . S . C., title 5, sec. 678), or any other law . . Maintenance, operation, repairs, and improvements : For all neces- sary expenses incident to maintaining, operating, repairing, and improving the Botanic Garden, and the nurseries, buildings, grounds, and equipment pertaining thereto, including procuring fertilizers, soils, tools, trees, shrubs, plants, and seeds ; materials and miscel- laneous supplies , includ ing rubb er boots and apro ns when required for use by employees in connection with their work ; not to, exceed $25 for emergency medical supplies ; disposition of waste ; traveling expenses of the director and his assistants not to exceed $500 ; street- car fares not exceeding $25 ; office equipment and contingent ex- penses ; the prevention and eradication of insect and other pests and plant diseases by purchase of materials and procurement of per- sonal services by contract without regard to the provisions of any other Act ; repair, maintenance, and operation of motor trucks and passenger motor vehicle ; purchase of botanical books, periodicals, and books of reference, not to exceed $100 ; repairs and improvements to director's residence ; and all other necessary expenses ; all under the directio n of the Joint C ommittee on the Library ; $2 8, 72 5 . The sum of $100 may be expended at any one time by the Botanic Garden for the purchase of plants, trees, shrubs, and other nursery stock, without reference to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U. S. C., title 41, sec. 5). No part of the appropriations contained herein for the Botanic Garden shall be used for the distribution, by congressional allot- ment, of trees, plants, shrubs, or other nursery stock . LIBRARY OF CONGRESS SA LARIES sonnet .

For the Librarian, Chief Assistant Librarian, and ot her pers onal services, $t73.300 . For the Register of Copyrights, assistant register, and other personal services, $228,600 . Lertslative Reference

LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE SERVICE service Personnel for desig- To enable the Libr arian of Congres s to emp loy comp etent pe rsons nated NNorlz . to gather, classify, and make available, in translations, indexes, digests, compilations, and bulletins, and otherwise, data for or bear- ing upon legis lation, and to r ender such data serviceable to C ongress and coinniittees and Members thereof, including not to exceed $5 .700 for employees engaged on piecework and work by the day or hour at rates to be fixed by the Librarian, $68,365 . Librarian , and per- Register .,f Copy- rights, etc . Card inde%es . ibutton, etc . DISTR IBI TION OF CA RD IN DEX ES For the distribution of card indexes and other publications of the Library, including personal services, freight charges (not exceed- ing $50 0), expr essage, postage, traveli ng expen ses conn ected wi th