Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1388

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. II . CH. 134 . FEBRUARY 28, 1933 . Supreme Reference e books for For purchase of new books of reference for the Supreme Court, to be a part of the Library of Congress, and purchased by the Mar- shal of the Supreme Court, under the direction of the Chief Justice, $2,500 . Books for adult blind . To enable the Librarian of Congress to carry out the provisions of Vol.46,p.1487. y u. s. c., Supp. vi, the Act entitled "An Act to provide books for the adult blind " p'9'

approved March 3, 1931 (U. S. C., Supp. V, title 2, sec. 135a5, $90, 000 . PRINTING AND BINDING Printing and bind- For miscellaneous printing and binding for the Library of Con- mg' ress including t he Copyright Off iOffice, and the binding, rebindi ng, and repairing f libraboks, and for the Library Building $200,000. For the publication of the Catalogue of Title Entr ies of the Copyright Offi ce, $45,000 . For the printing of-catalogue cards, $120,000 . Catalogue of Title Entries. Catalogue cards. Contingent expenses . Attendance at meet- Photoduplicating ex- penses . Library Building. Superintendent, etc . Sunday, etc ., open- ing Temporary, etc ., services . Incidentals . Trust Fund Board, expenses. Government Print- ing O ffice . Printing and biud- in g. Public Printer, Dep . uty, etc . CONTINGEN T EXPENSES OF THE LIBRAR Y For miscellaneous 'and contingent expenses, stationery, supplies, stock, and materials directly purchased, miscellaneous traveling expenses, postag e, transportatio n, incidental ex penses connected with the administration of the Library and Copyright 'Office, including not exceeding $500 for expenses of attendance at meetings when incurred on the written authorit y and di rection o f the Li brarian, $9,000. For paper, chemicals, and miscellaneous supplies necessary ror .the operatio n of the photodu plicatin g machin es of the Library and the making of photoduplicate prints, $5,000 . LIBRARY BUILDING Salaries : For the superintendent, disbursing officer, and other personal service s, in accordance with the Classi fication Act of 1 923, as amend ed, $151 ,145 . For extra services of employees and additional employees under the Librarian to provide for the opening of the Library Building on Su nda ys and on leg al holidays, at rates to be fixed by the Libr aria n, $4,0 00 . For special and temporary services in connection with the custody, care, and maintenance of the Library Building, including extra specia l ser vices of re gular emplo yees at the discretion of the Librarian, at rates to be fixed by the Librarian, $500 . For mail, delivery, and telephone services, rubber boots, rubber coats, and other special clothing for workmen, uniforms for guards, stationery, misc ellaneous suppli es, and all othe r incidental expe nses in co nne ct ion w ith the cu sto dy and maintenance of the Library Building, $7,0 00 . For any expense of the Library of Congress Trust Fu nd Bo ard not properly chargeable to the income of any trust fund held by the board, $500 . GO VER NME NT PRI NTI NG OFF ICE To proyjde the Public Printer with a working capital for the followi ng purpo ses for the exec ution of printin g, bindi ng, lith o- ~'~raphing, mapping, engraving, and other authorized work of the f~overnment Printing Office for the various branches of the Govern- ment : For salaries of Public Printer and Deputy Public Printer ; for salaries, compensation, or wages of all necessary officers and