Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1395

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72d CONGR ESS . SESS. II. CHS . '40,144 . Ms h 1 1933933-

1371 north side of He nry St reet and extending northwardl y• between Washington and State Streets, in lieu of on the site of t1le present post-office building . For such purpose , the Se cretary is autho rized and directed to (a) cancel the e xisting contract or contracts for the erection of such new building and make a settlement with the con- tractor for damages sustained by him as the result of such cancella- tion, or (b) effect a modification of such contract or contracts to provide for construction of the new building on the Henry Street site, and allow reasonable additional compensation for any damages or increased costs occasioned the contractor by the change to such new site . SEC . 2 . The S ecretary of the Treasury is furt her auth orized a nd directed to purc hase add itional land nec essary to permit the con- struction of such new building on the Henry Street site . SEC . 3 . All obligations incurred and/or expenditures made in carrying out the provisions of t his joint resolu tion shall be lim ited to the amount made available and fixed by existing law for the dem- olition of the old building and construction of such new building, and shall not be in excess of such amount. SEC. 4 . After occupancy of the new building constructed pursuant tl N non rented di postalsta- to this joint resolution, no rented postal station shall be maintained within 2,000 feet of such building . SEC . 5 . The Act e ntitled "An Act to authorize the sale of the Gov - sal e of 4ost-of ces~ . ernment property acquired for a post-office site in Binghamton, New amended . York, " app roved May 13, 1930 (46 Stat . 273), is amended to read as follows " That the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to Transfer by quit- claim deed of portiory transfer by the usual quitclaim deed to the city of Binghamton, New to city for st reet pur- York, the southerly triangular portion (measuring approximately poses. fifty-nine and eighty-four one-hundredths feet on Washington Street and one h undred and fifty-nine and seventy-fiv e one-hundredths feet on Henry Street), or such portion thereof as the Secretary may deem practicable, for the purpose of straightening out said Henry Street, of the Gov er nme nt property acquired, for a post-office site in such city , fr ontin g on the north side of Henry Str eet and extendin g north- wardly between Washington and State Streets ." Approved, February 28, 1933 . Purchase of addition to new site. Limit of cost . [CHAPTER 144 .] AN ACT Makin appropriations for the Departments of State and Justice and for the

March 1, 1x133. g

(H_R .14363J Judiciary, and for the Departments of Commerce and Labor, for the fiscal [Pu51ic, No. 3a7 .j year ending June 30, 1934, and for other purposes . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Tha t the fo llowing sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not other- wise appropriated, for the Departments of State and Justice and for the Judiciar y, and f or the D epartmen ts of Com merce an d Labor, for the fi scal year ending June 30, 1934, namely : TITLE I .-DEPARTMENT OF STATE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE Salaries : For Secretary of State Under Secretary of State Secretary, Under See- I retary, and office per- $10,000 ; and other personal services in the District of Columbia, sonnet including temporary employees, and not to exceed $6,500 for Tempor ary and piecework employees . employees engaged on piecework at rates to be fixed by the Secretary Appropriati ons for Departments of State and Justice, the Judi- ciary, and Depar t- ments of Commerce and Labor. Department of State .