Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1409

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72d CONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 144 . MARCH 1, 193.3.

138-5 inmates sentenced for terms of imprisonment of not less than, six, months, and transportation to the place of conviction or bona fide resid ence at the tim e of convi ction or to suc h oth er pl ace w ithin the United States as may be authorized by the Attorney General

expen ses of int ermen t or trans porti ng re mains of d eceas ed in mates to their homes in the United States ; ma inten ance and r epair of passenger-carrying vehicles ; traveling expenses of institution officials and e mploy ees w hen t ravel ing on off icial duty , inc ludin g exp enses of attendance at meetings concerned with the wo rk of the several institutions when authorized by the Attorney General, and including expen ses i ncurr ed in purs uing and i denti fying esca ped inmates ; traveling expenses of members of advisory boards authorized by law incurr ed in the disch arge of th eir o ffici al du ties ; rewards for the capture of escaped inmates ; newspapers, books, and periodicals ; firearms and ammunition ; tobacco for inmates ; and the purchase and exchange of farm products and livestock, when authorized by the Attorney General : Pr ovid ed, That any part of the appropria- Provisos . tions under this heading used for payment of salaries of personnel Prison commissaries . employed in the operation of prison commissaries shall be reim- bursed from commissary earnings, and such reimbursement shall be in addition to the amounts appropriated herein . Prison in dus tr ies working capital fund : Prison industries work- Prison industries ing capital fund, 1933 and prior years, is reappropriated and made worki ng opriati nd' t

Vo1.96,p . 1327. available for the fiscal year 1934, including pa yme nt of obligations Artte, p 493 inc ur red in prior years ; and the said working capital fund and Receipts credited to all receipts credited thereto may be used as a revolving fund for revolving fund the fiscal year 1934, for the purposes authorized by the Act v .'s. 46, p . Supp . Vi, entit led "An Act to provi de for the dive rsifi catio n of emplo yment P .248 . of Federal prisoners for their training and schooling in trades and occupa tions , and for other purp oses, " app rove d May 27, 1930 (U. S. C., Supp . V, title 18, sees . 744d, 744e, 744f)


That no Proviso,,. part of this appropriation shall be used for the procurement and/or use for manufacture of met al furniture, etc , installation in any Federal correctional or penal institution of ma- forbidden . chinery for the manufacture of metal furniture and/or metal office equipment : Provided, That $400,000 of the prison industries working su m covered in. capital fund shall, on or before June 30, 1933, be covered into the Treasury of the United States to the credit of " Misc ellan eous receipts"

Prov ided fur ther , That no part of the prison industries Yarn for cotton duck . working capital fund, during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1934, sha ll be u sed for the purchase of y arn f rom private industry for the manufac ture of cotton duck . Medical and hospital service : For medical relief for, and incidentMice' . l and hospital to the car e and main tenan ce of, inm ates of pe nal and co rrect ional institutions, including personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, medical, surgical, and hospital supplies, materials, equip ment, and appli ances , tog ether with appl iance s nec essar y for patients, $426,000, which amount, in the discretion of the Attorney ice

He alth Serv General, may be transferred to the Public Health Service for direct expen ditur e und er the law s, ap propr iatio ns,, and r egula tions gov- erning the Public Health Service : Prov ided , That of th is ap pro- Detec tive v iso.,

dezin- priation not to exceed $105,000 may be expended for the hospital quents . for defective delinquents . Uni ted S tates

Leavenworth Kansas : For the United Penitentiaries . penitentiary,


Le, v emvor th, Kans . Sta tes penitentiary at Leavenworth, Ka nsa s, including not to exceed Maintenance . $623, 500 for sa larie s and wage s of all o ffice rs and emp loyee s, $1,468,000 . For construction and repair of buildings, including the purchase tio ue clng const rue- and installation of machinery and equipment, and all expenses invi-