Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1415

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72d CONGRESS. SESS. II. CH . -144. MARCH 1, 1933 .

1391 outside of the District of Columbia, traveling expenses of officers and employees, purchase of furniture and equipment, stationery and supp lies , t ypew riti ng, adding, and computing machines, accessories and repairs, purchase of maps, books of reference and periodicals, reports, documents, plans , spe cifications, man uscripts, not ex ceeding $1,200 for newspapers, both foreign and domestic, and all other publications necessary for the promotion of the commercial interests of the United States, and all other incidental expenses not included in the foregoing, $400,000 : Provided, Th at the Secretary of Com- merce shall require as a condition for the opening of a new office or the continuation of an existing office, except in cases where space is available in Federal buildings or in Federal buildings for the con- structio n of whi ch contr acts hav e been l et, that commerci al organ - izations in the district affected provide suitable quarters without cost to the G overnmen t on and after S eptember 1, 1932 ; Enforcement of China Trade Act : To carry out the provisions of the Act entitled "China Trade Ac t, 19 22" (U. S. C., title 15, sets. 141-162), including personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, traveling expenses of officers and employees, purchase of furniture and equipment, stationery and supplies, typewriting, adding and computing machines, accessories and repairs, purchase of books of reference and periodicals, reports, documents, plans, specifications, maps, manuscripts, and all other publications, rent outside the District of Columbia, ice and drinking water for office purposes ; and all necessary expenses not included in the foregoing, $15,800 : Provided, That payment in advance for telephone and other similar services under this appropriation is hereby authorized ; Export industries : To enable the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce to investigate and report on domestic as well as foreign proble ms relating to the production, distribution, and marketing, in so far as they relate to the important export industries of the United States, including personal services in the District of Columbia, travel- ing expenses of officers and employees, purchase of furniture and equipment, stationery and supplies, typewriting, adding, and com- puting machines, accessories and repairs, books of reference and periodicals, reports, documents, plans, specifications, manuscripts, and all other pu blications, rent outside of the District of Colum bia, ice and drinking water for office purposes, and all other incidental expenses connected therewith, $692,400 ;

Domestic raw mate- Domestic commerce and raw materials investigations : For all rialsandman ufictures . expe nses , i nclu ding including personal services in the District of Columbia and dicspposed m~ data as to sit~ou u• .,tic. elsewhere, purchase of books of reference and periodicals, furniture and equipment, stationery and supplies, typewriting, ad(ling, and computing machines, accessories and repairs, medical supplies and first-aid outfits, reports, documents, plans, specifications, manuscripts, maps, and all other publications, rent outside of the District of Columbia, travel ing expenses of officers and emp loyees, and all o ther incidental expenses not included in the foregoing, to enable the Bureau of Foreign and Domes tic Co mmerc e to colle ct and comp ile information regarding the disposition and handling of raw materials and ma nufac tures withi n the United State ; and to investigate the Foreign raw conditions of production and marketing of foreign raw materials pals. esse ntia l f or A meri can ind ustr ies ; $266,000 ; Customs statistics : For all expenses necessary for the operation of Customs statistics . Expenses of collect- the section of customs statistics transferred to the Department of ing . compil ing, etc Commerce front the Treasury Department by the Act approved Janu- u s2,.1) 110d.. ary 5, 1923 (U. S. C ., title 15, sec . 194), including personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere ; rent of or purchase of tabu- lating, punching, sorting, and other mechanical labor-saving machin- Proviso . Conditions for open- ing new offices . China Trade Act . Enforcement ex- pen ses . Vol. 42, p. 849; Vol. 43, P. 995 . U.S. C.,p. 367. Proviso. Adva nce payme nts . Export industries. Investigating prob. lems of. Outside rent . mate -