Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1419

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS. IL CH. 144. MARCH 1, 1933 .

1395 Investigation of fire-resisting properties : For investigation of ing ma misting build- fire-resisting properties of building materials and conditions under which they may be most efficiently used, and for the standardization of typ es of appliances for fire preven tion, including personal service s in the District of Columbia and in the field, $23,340 . Investigation of public-utility standards : For investigation of the ara ble~ utility standards of practice and methods of measurements of public utili- tions . ties, such as gas, electric light, electric power, water, telephone, cen- tral sta tion heating, and electric-railwa y service, and the solution of the problems which arise in connection with standards in such service, including personal services in the District of Columbia and in the field, $82 .810 . Tes ti ng mis ce lla neo us ma ter ia ls : For testing m iscellane ous mate- oƒT materials. imiscella•e, rials, such as varnish materials, soap materials, inks, and chemicals, including supplies for the Government departments and independent establishments, including personal services in the District of Columbia and in the field, as authorized by law, $37,000 . Radio research : For investigation and standardization of methods Radio res ear ch . and instru ments employ ed in radio communi cation , incl uding per- sonal se rvices in the Dis trict of Columbi a and in the fi eld, $69,000 . Ind ust ria l c olor Color standardization : To develop color standards and methods standardi zation . of manufacture and of color measurements, with special reference to their industrial use in standardization and specification of color- ants, such as dyestuffs, in ks, and pigments , and other prod ucts, paint, paper, and textiles, in which color is a pertinent property, including personal services in the District of Colu mbia and in the field, $11,100 . Investigation of clay products : To study methods of measurement essel ay products Pro ,' and technical processes used in the manufacture of pottery, brick, tile, terra cotta, and other clay products, and the study of the prop- erties of the materials used in that industry, including personal services in the District of Columbia and in the field, $37,000. Standardizing mechanical appliances : To deve lop met hods of Mechanical appli- testing and standardizing machines, motors, tools, measuring instru- Testing mechanical, hyd ra uli c, and aero- ments, and other apparatus and devices used in mechanical, nautic devices, etc . hydraulic, and aeronautic engineering ; for the comparative study of types of apparatu s and met hods of o peration , and for the esta blish- ment of standards of performance ; for the accurate determination of fundamental physical constants involved in the proper execution of this work ; and for the scientific experiments and investigations needed i n solving the prob lems whic h may ar ise in co nnection there- with, es pecially in respon se to the require ments of aeronauti cs and aviation for information of a purely scientific nature, including per- sonal services in the District of Columbia and in the field, $37,000 . Investigation of optical and other types of glass : For the investi- tionp probl lems produ, gation of the problems involved in the production of optical and other types of glass, including personal services in the District of Columbia and in t he field, $21,500 . Investigation of textiles : To investigate textiles, paper, leather, Sta nd Textil es, pap r, etc., and rub ber in order to de velop standa rds of more d urable quali ty and methods of measurement, including personal services in the District of Columbia and in the field, $46,500 . Sug ar sta ndardi zation : For the standardization and design of Sugar standardize. i sugar-testing apparatus ; the development of technical specifications for the various grades of sugar, especially involving the standardiza- tion and manufacture of sugars ; for the study of the technical problems incidental to the collection of the revenue on sugar and to determine the fundamental scientific constants of sugars and other substances ; for the standardization and production of rare and tynese and unusual unusual types of sugars required for the medical service of the