Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1423

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72d CONGRESS .' SESS. II. CH. 144. MARCH 1, 1933 .

1399 ing $1,000 ; traveling expenses of teachers while actually employed by States or private persons to instruct the children of keepers of l i gh th ou s es ; all other cont ingent expenses of district offi ces and contingent expenses . depots, including the purchase of provisions for sale to lighthouse keepers at isolated stations, and the appropriation reimbursed, pur- vehicles . chase not to e xceed $3,600, e xchange, mainten ance, operation, and repair of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles for official use in f ie l d wo rk ; payment of rewards for the apprehension and convic- Fay ing rewa rds ,etc , tion, or for information helpful to the apprehension and conviction of persons found interfering with aids to navigation maintained by the Lighthouse Service, in violation of section 6 of the Act of May vol.35,p.162. 14, 1908 (U . S . C ., title 33, sec . 761), and not exceeding $8,500 for u.s.c., p.1o94. contingent exp enses of the of fice of the Bure au of Lighthouse s, in the District of Columbia ; $4,009,000 . Keepers of lighthouses : For salaries of not exceeding one thou- geepersd sand eight hundred lighthouse and fog-signal keepers and persons attending lights, exclusive of post lights, $1,783,500 . Lighthouse vessels : For salaries and wages of officers and crews Officers and crews of of light vessels and lighthouse tenders, including temporary employ- ment when necessary, $2,221,800 . Superintendents, clerks, and so forth : For salaries of eighteen ele us et ntendents, superintendents of lighthouses, and of assistant superintendents, clerks, drafts men, and other authorized perma nent employees i n the district offices and depots of the Lighthouse Service, exclusive of those regularly employed in the office of the Bureau of Lighthouses, District of Columbia, $589,000 . Retired pay : For retired pay of officers and employees engaged in Retired gay the field service or on vessels of the Lighthouse Service, except per- sons continuously employed in district offices and shops, $411,300 . COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY

Co ast and Geodette survey. For every expe nditure requisit e for and inci dent to the work of All

ri fled . the Coast and Geodetic Survey, including maintenance, repair, exchange, a nd operation of motor-propelled or horse-drawn vehicles for officia l use in field w ork, purchase o f motor cycles w ith side cars, including their exchange, not to exceed $1,000, surveying instru- ments, including their exchange, rubber boots, canvas and rubber gloves, gog gles, and caps, coats, and apro ns for stewards' depart- ments on vessels, extra compensation at not to exceed $1 per day for each station to employees of the Lighthouse Service and the Weather Bureau while observing tides or currents, services of one tide observer in the District of Columbia at not to exceed $1 per day, and com- pensation, not otherwise appropriated for, of persons employed in the field work, and for expenses of attendance at meetings con- Distribu tion . cerned with the work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey wh en incurred on the written authority of the Secretary of Commerce, to be expended in accordance with the regulations relating to the Coast and Geodetic Survey subscribed by the Secretary of Com- merce, and under the following heads : Field expenses, Atlantic coast : For surveys and necessary resur- Field -per-s. vevs of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States, including Atlantic coast . the coasts of outlying islands under the jurisdiction of the United States, and including the employment in the field and office of one physicist to develop survey methods based on transmission of sound through sea water, $102,000 : Provided, That not more than $35,000 Pr case . of this amount shall be expended on the coasts of said outlying islands Outl ying is land s . and t he Atlantic entr ance to the Pana ma Canal ;