Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1445

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72d CONGRESS . SESS . II. CHS . 180-182 . MARCH 2, 1933 .

1421 of the regulations prescribed pursuant to this Act, and to bring the offenders before the nearest commissioner, judge, or court of the United States having jurisdiction in the premises Approv ed, March 2, 1933 . [CHAPTER 181 .1 AN ACT March 2, 1933 . T o exten d the t imes for commen cing and comple ting the constr uction of a bri dge [s .5 445 . 1 across the Rio Grande at or near Rio Grande City . Texas .

[Public, No.408 .1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge author- ized by an Act of Congress approved February 15, 1929, to be built b~y the Rio Gran de City -Cam argo Bri dge Comp any, acr oss the Rio (xran de at or ne ar Ri o Gra nde C ity, T exas, here tofore exte nded by an Act of Congress approved January 31, 1931, are hereby further extended one and three years respectively, from February 15, 1939 . S EC. 2 . The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. A pproved, March 2, 1933 Rio Grande. Time extended for brid ging, at Rio Gra nde Cit y, Tex. Vol . 45, p. 1184; VOL 46, p. 1055, amended . Amen dment . (CHAPTER 182 .] AN ACT March 2, 1933. To provide for the creation of the Morristown National Historical Park in the _ IS . 5469.1 State of New Jersey, and for other purposes .

[Public, No 409 .1 B e it enact ed by the S enate and House of Re prese ntativ es of the United States o America in Congress assembled That when title MorristownNational f

Historical Park, N .J . to all the lands, structures, and other property in the military camp- iand tabli eoenves when ground areas and other areas of Revolutionary War interest at the united states . and in the vici nity of M orristow n, New J ersey, a s shall be desig nated by the Secretary of the Interior, in the exercise of his discretion, as nec essary o r desira ble for national -park pur poses, s hall hav e been vested in the United States, such areas shall be, and they are hereby, established, dedicated, and set apart as a public park for the benefit and enjoyment of the people and shall be known as the Morristown National Historical Park : Provided, That the United States shall P~ 3 •r; be sec ur ed not purchase by appropriation of public moneys any lands within by donaWnn onl y . the aforesaid areas, but such lands shall be secured by the United States only by public or private donation : And pro vide d fu rthe r, cluaa, etc. , to he in. That such areas shal l inc lude, at le ast, Jocke y Holl ow ca mp si te, now owned by Lloyd W . Smith and the town of Morristown, Fort Nonsense, now owned by the town of Morristown, and the George Washington Headquarters, known as the Ford House, wi th its museum and other personal effects and its grounds, now owned by the Washington Association of New Jersey. SEC . 2. The Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to to IX s eice of titles accept donations of land, interests in land, buildings, structures, and other property within the boundaries of said park as deter- mined and fixed hereunder and donations of funds for the purchase and/or mainten ance the reof, th e title and evide nce of " title to lands purchased to be satisfactory to the Secretary of the Interior : Pro- Proviso . Qmsitions for vided, That the Secretar y of the Interior is aut horized, in his tensions. discretion, to accept on behalf of the United States other lands, easements, and buildings of Revolutionary War interest in Morris and adjacent counties in New Jersey as may be donated for the exte nsion of th e Mor risto wn Na tional Hist orica l Park . e&' [