Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1469

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72d C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 203 . MA RCH 3, 1933 . Forest pathology : For the investigation of diseases of forest and ornamental trees and shrubs, including a study of the nature and habits of the parasitic fungi causing the chestnut-tree bark disease, the white-pine blister rust, and other epidemic tree diseases, for the purpose of discovering new methods of control and applying methods of eradication or control already discovered, and including $112,560 for investigations of diseases of forest trees and forest products, under section 3,of the Act approved May 22, 1928 (U . S . C ., Supp . V ., title 16 ; sec. 581b), $206,955 . Fruit and vegetable crops and diseases : For investigation and control of diseases, for improvement of methods of culture, propa- gation, breeding, selection, and related activities concerned with the production of fruits, nuts, vegetables, ornamentals, and related plants for investigation of methods of harvesting, packing, shipping, stor- ing, and utilizing these products, and for studies of the physiological and related changes of such products during processes of marketing and while in commercial storage, $1,144,100. Gardens and grounds : To cultivate and care for the gardens and grounds of the Department of Agriculture in the cit of Washing- ton, including the upkeep and lighting of the ground and the con- struction, surfacing, and repairing of roadways and walks ; and to erect, manage, and maintain conservatories, greenhouses, and plant and fruit propagating houses on the grounds of the Department of Agriculture in the city of Washington, $87,190 . Genetics and biophysics : For biophysical investigations in connec- tion with the various lines of work herein authorized, $33,617 . Mycology and disease survey : For mycological collections and the maintenance of a plant-disease survey, $46,133 . National Arboretum : For the maintenance of the National Arbo- retum established under the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act authorizing the Secretary of Agriculture to establish a National Arboretum, and for other purposes," approved March 4, 19 27 (U. S . C ., Supp . V, title 20, sees . 191-194), including the erection of buildings, salaries in the city of Washington and elsewhere, traveling expenses of employees and advisory council, and other necessary expenses, $4,758, of which such amounts as may be necessary may be expended by contract or otherwise for the services of consulting landscape architects without reference to the Classification Act of 1923, as amended, or civil-service rules . NNmatology : For crop technological investigations, including the study of plant-infesting nematodes, $46,640 . Phony-peach eradication : For conducting such investigations of the nature and means of communication of the disease of peach trees known as phony peach and for applying such methods of eradication or control of the disease as in the including of the Secretary of A gric ultu re may be ne cess ary, inc ludi ng the p ayme nt of su ch expenses and the employment of su ch persons and means, in the city of Washington and elsewhere, and cooperation with such authori- ties of the States concerned, organizations of growers, or individuals, as he may deem necessary to accomplish such purposes, $41,860, and, in the discretion of the Secretary of Agriculture, no expenditure shall be made for these purposes until a sum or sums at least equal to such expenditures shall have been appropriated, subscribed, or con- tributed, by State, county, or local authorities, or by individuals or organizations for the accomplishment of such purposes

Prov ided , That no part of the money herein appropriated shall be used to pay the cost or value of trees or other property injured or destroyed . P l an t nu t r it i o n : For plant-nutrition investigations, $16,900 . 1445 Forest pathology . t hestnut tre e bark dieea ,e . Vol 45, p.701 L S.C, Su pp . VI, p 225 Fruit and vegetable crop, and diseases . Experimental gar- dens and grounds, 1) C. Genetics and bio - physics, investigations . Plant disease survey, etc . National Arboretum. of 44, p.1422 . 1'S.C,Supp.Vi, p 3Si Landscape arc hi- tects . Nematology . Phony-peach e radl. cr Wiu 1 n cestigations, etc . Subject to equal con- tribution from States, etc . Proviso . No pay for tree s, ate ., injured or destroyed . Plant nutrition .