Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 47 Part 1.djvu/1475

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72d CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 203 . MARCH 3, 1933 . purchase of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles for use by the Forest Service in the construction and maintenance of national forest roads . BUREAU OF CHEMISTR Y AND SOI LS 1451 Che mistry and S oils Bureau SALARIES AND GENERAL EXPENSES

General expenses. For all necessary expenses connected with the investigations, I nvest igat ions, dem- experime nts, and demonst rations hereinaf ter autho rized, i ndepend- onstrations, etc. ently or in cooperation with other branches of the Department of Agricult ure, oth er depar tments o r agenci es of the Federal Govern- ment, States, State agricultural experiment stations, universities and other State agencies and institutions, counties, municipalities, busi- ness or other organizations and corporations, individuals, associa- tions, and scientific societies, including the employment of necessary Employees, ete . persons and means in the city of Washington and elsewhere ; rent outside the District of Columbia, and other necessary supplies and expenses, and for erection, alteration, and repair of buildings out- side of the District of Columbia at a total cost not to exceed $5,000, as follows General administrative expenses : For necessary expenses for Chi ef of bureau and general administ rative p urposes, includi ng the sa lary of chief of o rate pers onnel . bureau and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $89,903 . Agricultural chemical investigations : For conducting the investi- chemical investiga- tions . gations contemplated by the Act of May 15, 1862 (U . S . C., title 5, vol.12, p.387. sees . 511, 512), relating to the application of chemistry to agri- U.S.C.,p.56. culture ; for the biological, chemical, physical, microscopical and Biological, etc.,- in- tech nolo gic al i nves tig atio n of fo ods, fee ds, dru gs, and ins ect icid es ves tig ati ons . and substances used in the manufacture thereof, including investiga- tions of the physiological effects of such products ; for the investiga- Methods of sugar tion and develop ment of methods for the manufactu re of su gars and manufacture. sugar sirups and the utilization of new agricultural materials for such purposes ; for investigation of the action and changes produced by micro organism s, inclu ding mol ds and f ungi ; for inve stiga tion and developm ent of m ethods f or the u tilizati on of agr icultura l wastes Utilizing wastes . and residues, in cooperation with the Bureau of Standards, Depart- ment of Commerce, without duplication of work

for investigation

and deve lopment of metho ds for t he preve ntion of heating of agri- cultural products and the prevention of farm fires and fires in cotton gins, cotton-oil mills, grain el evators, and oth er structures, an d to Coo perationwith sci- cooperate with associations and scientific societies in the development entific societies, etc' of methods of an alysis, $410,000 . Color investigations : For inves tigat ion an d exp erime nt in the Utilizing raw mate . utilization, for coloring, medicinal, and technical urposes, of raw rials for colorants. materials grown or produced in the United States, $69,000 . Insecticide and fungicide investigations : For the investigation and insecticide and fun- development of methods of manufacturing insecticides and fungi- gicide investigations . cides, and for investigating chemical problems relating to the com- position , action , and ap plicatio n of ins ecticides and fun gicides, $109,563 . Plant dust explosions : For the investigation and development of

Pla nt dust expl o- sions, et methods for the prevention of grain-dust, smut-dust, and other dust . ivlethods for prevent- expl osio ns not othe rwi se p rovi ded for and re sult ing fir es, inc ludi ng ing . fires in cotton gins, cotton-oil mills, and grain elevators, $33,880 . Naval stores investigations : For the investigation and demon- naval stores investi- stration of improved methods or processes of preparing naval stores, g ations, etc . the weighing, handling, transportation, and the uses of same, $65,106,